abbr.Telecommunications Programming Language 电信程序设计语言

  • This essay analyses the importance of the service conception of modern customer-oriented management to TPL enterprises and tries to explain the reason why Chinese TPL level is relatively backward .

    结合我国的物流市场现状,论述了“以客户为中心”的现代经营的服务理念对于 物流企业的重要性,有针对性的提出了一些具体的客户服务策略及实施办法。

  • Third party logistics ( TPL ) is also called contract logistics which possesses almost all attributes of contracts .

    第三方 物流亦称契约物流,基本具备了契约的所有属性与特征。

  • Study on Evaluating Performances and Designing Indictors System of Freight Operation for Tpl Enterprises


  • Based on the selection of the demand index of the TPL market and the analysis of the affecting factors the paper predicts the demand scale of the TPL market in Kunming by using SPSS .

    在对 物流市场需求规模指标选取以及需求规模影响因素分析的基础上,运用SPSS软件对昆明市第三方物流市场需求规模进行预测。

  • Cannot set the TPL file version properties .

    不能设置 tpl文件的版本属性。

  • Unlike the thread pool the TPL has a rich API that supports many of the concepts exposed by the Thread class .

    与线程池不同的是, TPL拥有一套丰富的API,能够支持Thread类提出的许多概念。

  • Study on Evaluation of the TPL Provider for Car-manufacturing Enterprises

    汽车制造企业 物流供应商评价研究

  • TPL supplier 's choice is a key question of outsourcing the effective assessment method is the premise of correct choice TPL service supplier .

    物流供应商的选择是企业 物流外包中的一个关键问题,有效地评价方法是正确选择第三方物流服务供应商的前提。

  • And like the TPL you can replace the default scheduler with a custom implementation .


  • Study on the Strategic Alliance of TPL Enterprise with Its Customer


  • Enhanced Fussy Hierarchy Comprehensive Evaluation Model in Choice of TPLs

    改进模糊层次评价模型在 TPL选择中的 应用 研究

  • In this paper the AJAX technology and its application in the TPL management system are studied .

    本论文研究了AJAX技术以及AJAX技术在 物流管理系统中的应用,并实现了采用目前 流行 微软

  • Research on the Performance Evaluation System of the TPL Enterprises Based on Cost Control

    基于成本控制的 物流企业绩效评价体系的研究

  • Development Model Choosing of European Logistics Providers from the Growth History of 3PLS Companies

    从欧洲第三方物流企业的成长历程看 TPL供应商的发展模式选择

  • This study will make a reference for our country 's household appliances manufacturers in the choice of TPL .

    对于我国家电企业在第 物流 供应商选择决策上将起到借鉴作用。

  • This thesis studies how to integrate VMI with TPL effectively and what influence on the integrated supply chain . This has an important significance in theory development and practical application of VMI .

    本论文研究如何将VMI与 TPL有效整合,以及整合后对供应链有怎样的影响,这对今后VMI的理论发展和实际运用都具有重要的意义。

  • Like a thread pool the TPL can perform load balancing across threads and processors .

    与线程池的功能类似, TPL能够在线程和处理器之间实现负载均衡。

  • Turning to the issue of locking TPL Dataflow has an interesting design to avoid deadlocks .

    现在来谈谈锁的问题,为了避免死锁, TPLDataflow采用了一个很有趣的设计。

  • Revenue-Sharing Coordinating Contracts between a TPL Service Provider and a Client Enterprise for Low Value Perishable Products

    低值易逝品的 物流收入共享协调合同研究

  • Research on model in managing logistic by manufacturing enterprise itself or by TPL

    制造企业自营物流与采用 物流的模型研究

  • Application of Activity Based Costing in TPL Enterprises

    作业成本法在 物流企业中的应用研究

  • A Simulation Analytical Model of Several TPL Distributing Task under the Teamwork Planning of Fourth Party Logistics

    第四方物流协同规划多个 TPL配送作业的仿真分析模型

  • The Application of Analytic Hierarchy Process in Choosing TPL Supplier

    层次分析法在选择 物流供应商中的应用

  • In this paper author deeply researches into the relationship between the TPL and Logistics Service User .

    笔者在本篇论文中对于 物流和物流服务使用 的合作关系进行了深入地研究。

  • Enterprise E-Readiness and Assessment Study in the Evolution of TPL Relationship


  • Research on Three-level Supply Chain Coordination of TPL Supplier Participation


  • Analysis on Collaborative Strategy of TPL-SC Led by TPL service provider


  • The relationship management between TPL and Logistics Service User is a very important part in the logistics management .

    物流和物流服务使用 的关系管理是物流管理中非常重要的一个方面。