xanthine dehydrogenase

[ˈzænˌθin ˌdihaɪˈdrɑdʒəˌnes][ˈzænθi:n di:ˈhaidrədʒəˌneis]


  • In this study xanthine dehydrogenase gene was isolated from rice leaves and preliminary studies on the mechanism of delaying the senescence of rice .

    本研究从水稻中分离了 黄嘌呤 脱氢酶基因,并初步研究了其延缓水稻衰老的作用机制。

  • A strain of high xanthine dehydrogenase activity was obtained by ions implanted . And it was immobilized in visible photopolymerisable resin .

    我们通过离子注入诱变获得了一株高 黄嘌呤 脱氢酶 活的菌株,并采用可见光固化树脂对它进行了固定。

  • A Survey of Study on Bacteria Xanthine Dehydrogenase

    细菌 黄嘌呤 脱氢酶的研究概况

  • ( College of Life Sciences Wuhan University Wuhan 430072 ) The fermentation of RBV enzymatically synthesized the immobilization of cells with xanthine dehydrogenase in the visible photopolymerisable resin and the relation between accessibility of a protein and its isoelectronic point were studied .

    本文对利巴韦林酶促合成的发酵过程进行了研究,特别进行了可见光固化树脂固定化含 黄嘌呤 脱氢酶细胞的研究,也进行了酶蛋白分子可及性与其等电点关系的研究。

  • Relationship among bacterial translocation xanthine dehydrogenase and xanthine oxidase in portal hypertension and obstructive jaundice rats

    大鼠门静脉高压症及梗阻性黄疸时细菌移位与 黄嘌呤 脱氢酶和黄嘌呤氧化酶的关系

  • The xanthine dehydrogenase of the immobilized cells was stable in the pH range of 6.0-8.0 and at temperature below 40 ℃ .

    固定化细胞 黄嘌呤 脱氢酶在40℃以下,pH6.0~pH8.0稳定。

  • Studies on the xanthine dehydrogenase of chicken liver

    难肝 黄嘌呤 脱氢酶的研究