treaty contracts

[法] 契约性条约

  • The Vienna Convention on Treaty Law in 1969 is the origin of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus in international public law . The article 6.2.1 & 6.2.3 in The Unidroit Principles of International Commercial Contracts is the origin of Clausula Rebus sic Stantibus in international private law .

    1969年《维也纳 条约法公约》第62条以及《国际商事 合同通则》第6.2.1&6.2.3条分别是情事变更原则在公法和私法领域内的国际法渊源。

  • Responsibility of the fault of concluding a treaty on the base of faith theory which is different from infringement and breach responsibility is brought about in the process of concluding contracts .

    摘要缔约 过失责任是在 合同缔结过程中产生的法律责任,它不同于侵权责任、违约责任。