

n.& adj.吸虫(的)

  • The result of the survey on the infectional condition of subclass Aspidogastrea in the Anodonta indicated that the infection rate of the trematode in the Anodonta was high .


  • Electron microscope studies on Metorchis orientalis ( trematode : ophisthochiidae ) v. ultrastructure of the female reproductive organs

    东方次睾吸虫电镜研究( 吸虫纲:后睾科)V.雌性生殖器官人工感染鸭东方次睾吸虫病的病理组织学研究

  • Analysis and Discrimination of Mistaking Lucid Ganoderma Spore for Liver Trematode Ovum

    灵芝孢子误认为肝 吸虫卵的分析鉴别

  • A Survey of Land Snails for Larval Trematode Infections in Xiamen Island

    厦门岛陆地蜗牛 自然感染 吸虫幼虫 种类的调查研究

  • Schistosomiasis or bilharzia is a parasitic disease caused by trematode flatworms of the genus Schistosoma .

    血吸虫病(又称裂体 吸虫病)是由裂体 吸虫属血吸虫引起的一种寄生虫病。

  • We found that the larval parasites were surrounded by blood cells of the snails especially on early stages of mother sporocyst and daughter sporocyst but not for conspicuous encapsulation reaction which suggest that the reaction may be stage specific to development of larval trematode .

    螺宿主对 吸虫幼虫期的血细胞反应主要是在毛蚴入侵早期以及子胞蚴逸离母胞蚴的早期,表明螺宿主血细胞反应可能具有对幼虫发育期的特异性。

  • The seasonal fluctuations about infectation percentage and the harm on the Corbicula fluminea ( M ü ller ) by two species of frequent trematode were comparised .

    比较了河蚬的两种常见 吸虫种类感染率的季节动态以及它们对河蚬的危害。

  • For cases of mixed infection of cestode or trematode praziquantel was used .

    发现绦虫和 吸虫感染者用吡喹酮驱治。

  • Preliminary observation of nerve fiber of the trematode indicated that we could observe network structure ?? n ?? fiber of the trematode by silver staining .

    对该 吸虫的神经纤维的初步观察提示,用银染的方法可显示该吸虫的神经纤维网状结构。

  • Served as the first and the second intermediate hosts of this trematode in south Fujian with average positive rates of 7.3 % and 35.1 % respectively .

    9 县市第一中间宿主 铜锈 与第二中间宿主 麦穗 鱼类平均感染率分别为7.3%与35.1%。

  • There is a species of trematode including adult and larva in Anodonta .

    本次调查在河蚌体内发现了一种 吸虫的成虫及幼虫。

  • Tadpole-shaped parasitic larva of a trematode worm ; tail disappears in adult stage .

    烃源岩已进入成熟阶段,处于生油高峰期。蝌蚪形的 吸虫类寄生幼虫;成体阶段尾巴消失。

  • Investigations on trematode infection of marine fishes in the waters of the Xiamen Harbour and Minnan-Taiwan Shoal

    厦门港湾和闽南-台湾浅滩海域鱼类感染 吸虫的调查研究

  • At each stage of development the trematode encounters formidable hazards .

    吸虫在发育的每一个阶段,都 可能遭遇到极大的风险。

  • The Life History of Trematode and Its Larvae 's Adaption to Environment


  • The author observed and studied preliminarily nerve fiber of the trematode by frozen section and Cajal silver staining . 1 . It was the first time that we discovered subclass Aspidogastrea in the Anodonta from the basin of Nenjiang River . 2 .

    用冰冻切片Cajal银染的方法对该 吸虫的神经纤维进行了初步的观察研究。研究结果如下:一、首次在嫩江流域河蚌体内发现盾盘吸虫。

  • Years after cure the disappear rate reached 94.7 % ( 18 / 19 ) . Furthermore they had no cross reaction with other trematode .

    而且治愈后 反应 减弱和消失 较为 明显 迅速,治愈后 5年的消失率可达94.7%(18/19),且与其他 吸虫无交叉反应。

  • Result Among 34.03 % of the serious intestines parasite infection ration the ratio of hookworm ascarid flagellate pinworm and testicle trematode is 6.70 % 0.33 % 0.65 % 39.15 % and 27.11 % respectively .

    结果人体肠道重要寄生虫总感染率为34.03%,其中钩虫、蛔虫、鞭虫、蛲虫、华支睾 吸虫感染率分别是6.70%、0.33%、0.65%、38.15%、 27.11%

  • The distribution of the trematode population in the host over the year showed aggregate distribution too and the degree of aggregation had little change .

    吸虫种群在一年四季中的鲻鱼 体内 时空分布亦为聚集分布,聚集强度变化不大。

  • The classification mechanism of Prx and the research progress on Prx in parasitic helminthes including trematode cestode and nematode have been briefly reviewed in this article .

    本文综述了过氧化物氧还蛋白的分类、作用机制以及寄生性蠕虫(包括 吸虫、绦虫和线虫)过氧化物氧还蛋白的研究进展。

  • Through the bird 's feces trematode eggs enter the water .

    寄生虫在鸟类 体内 成熟繁殖它们的卵 经由 鸟粪进入水中。

  • Schistosomiasis is a chronic parasitic disease caused by blood flukes ( trematode worms ) of the genus Schistosoma .

    血吸虫病是由 吸虫属血吸虫引起的一种慢性寄生虫病。