




  • We fought with them in the trenches .

    我们曾在一战 西线 战场上与他们并肩作战。

  • Diplomacy becomes trench warfare .

    外交变成了 壕沟战。

  • What do you mean they dug a trench ?

    你说的“他们挖了 战壕”是什么意思?

  • ABB is late of trench gate technology .

    ABB是后期的 沟槽栅技术。

  • To dig or make a long narrow trench or furrow in .

    一长而窄的 挖或筑狭长的 沟渠或细沟。

  • The region is rich in geothermal water resources the construction of the trench Shentang Resort .

    区内地热水资源十分丰富,兴建了神堂 渡假村。

  • The trench mortars have begun to fire and the volume of sound increases .

    堑壕 的迫击炮早已开始了射击,声响愈来愈大。

  • He dug a shallow trench .


  • Elsewhere two plates may shift toward each other and converge along a deepsea trench and island arc .

    在别的地方,两块板块又可能相向移动而沿着 海沟和岛弧逐渐聚合。

  • The water ran down around the altar and even filled the trench .

    水流在坛的四围, 也满了水。

  • The surface area of the walls of a trench formed in a substrate is increased .

    衬底中形成的 沟槽壁的表面区域增加了。

  • Narrow trench for shelter in battle .

    战争中供隐藏用的狭长的 战壕

  • I like to be in the trench .

    我喜欢上第 一线

  • Then we all got out of the trench .

    然后所有的人都走出了 战壕

  • The LORD 'S fire came down and consumed the holocaust wood stones and dust and it lapped up the water in the trench .

    于是上主的火降下,焚尽了全燔祭、柴木、石头和尘土,也烧干了 中的水。

  • Emergency conditions may therefore dictate at least the initial use of trench latrines .

    因此,至少在最初的阶段,紧急条件下可能会要求使用 坑道厕所。

  • RF power LDMOS with a trench drift region is optimally designed .

    对射频功率LDMOS 漂移区的结构进行了优化设计。

  • Consequently the bedding and backfilling of the trench need special attention to provide the required lateral support .

    其后, 管道 的垫土和回填需要特别注意,应提供所需要的水平支撑。

  • In the boiler room trench should have cover board at the ground level .

    锅炉房内 上应有与地面平 的盖板。

  • I am staying in the trench ;

    抚摸 战壕中我的 面颊

  • It 's a trench that used to be dry but now has water in it .

    就是一个干了的 ,没有水,现在有水了。

  • I forgot to dig a trench around the tent .

    我忘记在帐篷周围 挖沟了。

  • Analysis is made on the causes of road ramp collapses during the construction of cutting trench .

    分析了挖方 路堑施工中边坡坍塌的原因,并介绍了避免的方法及施工组织方面的技术措施。

  • The archaeologists also unearthed a stretch of trench that has been partly restored for tourists .

    这些考古者还掘出了一段旧时 战壕,现已部分修复,向游人开放。

  • I was to take them to a frontline trench .

    我得押他们到最前线的 战壕去。

  • Flamethrower first in the appearance of World War I trench warfare in World War II is widely used .

    火焰喷射器最初于第一次世界大战的 堑壕战中亮相,在第二次世界大战中更是被广泛使用。

  • The Turks had returned and recaptured their trench .

    土耳其人已经卷土重来,夺回了他们的 战壕

  • Davis did not have a single trench to show me .

    而戴维斯没有一条 挖掘 沟渠可以给我看。

  • The Project involves trench excavation construction of cable trough cable laying backfilling and reinstatement works and landscaping works .

    工程包括 坑道挖掘、兴建混凝土电缆槽、电缆铺设、回填和修复工程、和景观美化工程。

  • A trench that provides protected passage between the rear and front lines of a defensive position .

    在后方和防守姿态的前线中提供保护管道的 战壕