trench mortar

[trɛntʃ ˈmɔrtɚ][trentʃ ˈmɔ:tə]


  • The war broke out in north Kosovo of Yugoslavia the noise of musketry and trench mortar is continuing around .

    南斯拉夫科索沃省北部爆发战斗,步枪和 迫击炮声不绝于耳。

  • Aiming to some projectiles of trench mortar the probability error of the experiment without controlling flight is about 1 % . Monte Carlo target practice was used in the same calculating condition .

    针对某型 弹无控飞行时的试验 中间概率误差约为1%,利用蒙特卡洛打靶法,在相同的计算条件下,若末段采用脉冲控制,仿真计算得到其圆概率误差小于等于4m;

  • Analysis of Kill Efficiency for Trench Mortar Ammunition Equipped with Proximity Fuse


  • This paper thoroughly analyzes kill efficiency of trench mortar ammunition which adopts prefabricated fragment and proximity fuse by establishing kill efficiency estimated model and using experiment data we draw some beneficial conclusion at last .

    文章通过建立 杀伤能力计算模型,结合靶场试验数据,对 弹采用预制破片和近炸引信后的杀伤能力进行了深入的分析,得到了许多有益的结论。