


  • Effects of exogenous trehalose on antioxidant system of Iris dichotoma P. under NaHCO_3 stress

    外源 海藻糖对NaHCO3胁迫下野鸢尾叶片抗氧化系统的影响

  • Study on Enzymatic Properties of Trehalose Synthase and Condition of Enzyme Immobilization


  • Loading Trehalose by Electropermeabilization Increased the Survival of Freeze-dried Red Blood Cells Study on the Vitrification of Oocytes with Trehalose

    电渗透法载入海藻糖可以提高红细胞冻干效果 海藻糖用于玻璃化冷冻卵母细胞的研究

  • Meanwhile the finished product of trehalose was analysised with infrared absorption spectrum .

    并采用红外吸收光谱对 海藻糖成品进行了分析。

  • Factors affacting trehalose loading in red blood cells before freeze-drying

    冻干前人红细胞对 海藻糖的负载影响因素研究

  • Effect of trehalose soaking treatment on quality of frozen apple slice


  • CBS-01 cells and characterization of the obtained permeabilized cells in relation to trehalose synthase activity was studied .

    研究了亚栖热菌CBS-01菌株细胞的渗透处理工艺,并对所得透性化细胞 海藻糖合酶的性质进行了考察。

  • THE EFFECTS OF TREHALOSE AND WATER ACTIVITY ON CURED PIKE EEL STORAGE QUALITY Fermentation by some microorganisms can lead to food preservation instead of food spoilage .


  • Optimization of fermentation medium of trehalose produced by alcohol yeast through response surface method

    响应面法优化酒精酵母产 海藻糖发酵培养基

  • The Effect of Stress on Trehalose Content of Yeast

    逆境条件对酵母菌 海藻糖含量的影响

  • Conclusion : The loading process of trehalose has no effect on apoptosis of platelets .

    结论血小板负载 海藻糖的过程不会促进血小板的凋亡;

  • Engineering regression model of extracting trehalose from waste beer yeast

    啤酒废弃酵母泥中提取 海藻糖的工程化回归模型

  • The effect of trehalose content on the stability of baker 's yeast and the methods for raising the trehalose content were investigated .

    初步研究了面包酵母 海藻糖含量对其耐贮存力的影响,探讨了提高鲜酵母胞内海藻糖含量的培养措施。

  • Research on the Lixiviation of Trehalose from Waste Beer Barm Cells by Trichloracetic Acid Associated with Microwave

    微波辅助三氯乙酸浸提啤酒废酵母细胞 中海藻糖的技术研究

  • The source property and immobilization of trehalose synthase were introduced as well as cell permeabilization .

    介绍了 海藻糖合酶的来源、性质、固定化及细胞透性化技术。

  • Objective To study the extraction of trehalose from bread yeast .

    目的研究从面包酵母中提取 海藻糖

  • Diapause development and accumulation of trehalose were closely related to temperature .

    温度对于滞育的终止和 海藻糖积累量影响很大。

  • Trehalose is a kind of preservative agent which has potential application .


  • The recovery rate of trehalose determinated by sulfuric anthrone reaction was 100.7 % and stability and repeatability of results were good .

    硫酸蒽酮法测定 海藻糖的回收率平均为100.7%,稳定性和重复性较好。

  • Determination of trehalose and glycerin in Artemias by high performance liquid chromatography

    高效液相色谱法测定卤虫卵 中海藻糖和甘油的含量

  • Study on synthesis and surface activities of trehalose esters from fish oil

    鱼油 海藻糖酯的合成与表面性质研究

  • Protection of Cryopreserved Platelets by Dimethyl Sulfoxide Combined with Trehalose

    二甲亚砜与 海藻 糖联用对冷冻保存血小板的保护 作用

  • This may be overcome by replenishing the sites with sugar molecules such as trehalose and sucrose .

    在位点上补充糖分子 如海 和蔗糖就能解决这个问题。

  • Meanwhile the inhibition of trehalose for the retrogradation could be more apparent during the frequent courses of freezing and thawing according to the analysis of the preservation condition .

    同时,通过对保存条件的分析,发现 海藻糖在频繁的冻/融过程中更能体现出抑制回生的效果。

  • The Study in Vitrification of Mouse Oocytes with Trehalose

    海藻糖 用于玻璃化冷冻小鼠卵母细胞的研究

  • The effects of trehalose on actomyosin of salted pike eel muscle were first investigated .

    本实验研究了 海藻糖对盐渍海鳗肌动球蛋白的影响。

  • The inhibition of trehalose for the retrogradation of sticky rice starch was studied .

    本文主要研究了 海藻糖对糯米粉的回生抑制作用。

  • Relations between trehalose content and ethanol and heat tolerance of Saccharomyces cerevisiae

    酿酒酵母 海藻糖含量与酒精和高温耐性的关系

  • In particular a disaccharide trehalose furnished adequate protection of protein against heat under the conditions used .

    特别是二糖、 海藻糖能提供蛋白足够的保护,对抗所在条件下的热量。

  • Strategies for trehalose synthase genetic engineering bacteria on high-density fermentation
