travelling wave

[ˈtrævl:ɪŋ wev][ˈtrævəlɪŋ weiv]


  • Analysis of Transmission Process of Fault-Generated Travelling Wave along EHV Transmission Lines and Performance of Transient Current Protection

    超高压输电 线路 过程及暂态电流保护性能分析

  • The Studies of Travelling Wave Solutions in Epidemic Dynamics System with Diffusion

    空间扩散的传染病动力系统 行波解研究

  • Study on Integral Based Travelling Wave Directional Unit Protection for Transmission Line

    输电线路积分型 行波方向纵联保护研究

  • Design of the Step Phase Reversal Electrode System for Broadband Travelling Wave Electro-Optical Modulators

    调制器用以调制电磁 的装置宽频带 行波型电光调制器阶跃倒相电极系统的设计

  • The simulator at this time does not model backscatter from surface travelling wave effects .

    模拟器不对表面 行波的反向散射进行建模。

  • While waveform criterion is presented based on the duration time of inceptive travelling wave .

    而根据初始行 波波头持续时间的长短可以构成波形判据。

  • Novel Transient Travelling Wave Based Amplitude Comparison Ultra High Speed Directional Protection

    新型暂态 行波幅值比较式超高速方向保护

  • An optimal combined travelling wave based fault location technique and its application in EHV electric power grid

    优化组合 行波故障测距技术及其在超高压电网中的应用

  • Inceptive travelling wave is flattened and corresponding energy is dispersed under this kind of influence .

    在阻 器作用下,初始行 波波头将被拉长,波头中包含的能量将沿时间轴分散。

  • Method for Extracting Transient Voltage Travelling Wave Signal from High Voltage Power Grid

    一种高压电网电压 行波信号的提取方法

  • Neural networks inverse model for travelling wave ultrasonic motor

    行波 超声电机基于神经网络的逆模型辨识

  • A one dimensional analytical model of stator vibration for travelling wave type ultrasonic motor


  • Analysis of Behaviour of Axial Vibration of Buried Pipelines By Travelling Wave Method

    埋地管线轴向振动特性的 行波方法分析

  • A New Travelling Wave Solution for Nonlinear Klein-Gordon Equation

    非线性方程Klein-Gordon新的 行波

  • Design and Analysis of Integrated Network of Ferrite Travelling Wave Phase Shift and Feed

    铁氧体 行波移相-馈电一体化网络的设计与分析

  • In the transmission line fault locating based on travelling wave the arrival time of travelling wave must coordinate with the travelling wave velocity .

    在输电线路 行波测距中,存在行波浪涌到达时刻与行波传播速度相互配合的问题。

  • Study on travelling wave propagation under different type of faults

    不同故障类型情况下 行波传播特点的研究

  • By using travelling wave reduced form method the nonlinear partial differential equation of wave propagation in a functionally graded beam was transformed into an ordinary differential equation .

    运用 行波约化法将非线性波动方程化为常微分方程,然后利用位移形函数的系数待定法求出了非线性波动方程的位移

  • Defect structures of Rayleigh-Benard travelling wave convection in binary fluid mixtures

    混合流体Rayleigh-Benard 行波对流中的缺陷结构

  • At this time the simulator does not implement surface travelling wave modelling and associated edge or gap backscatter modelling or edge diffraction scattering effect modelling .

    这次模拟器没有对表面 行波、相邻边界和缝隙的反向散射,或者边缘绕射散射效应进行建模。

  • Dispersion waveform of travelling wave propagation of three-phase short-circuit and three-phase to earth short-circuit Role of virtue and rule by law supplement and promote each other .

    三相相间短路和三相接地短路 行波图法治和德治,是相辅相成、相互促进的。

  • No effort was made to assess the performance of the surveyed materials as surface travelling wave absorbers .

    评估表明,把被研究材料作为表面 行波吸收剂是不可行的。

  • Some Exact Travelling Wave Solutions Of The Generalized Seventieth Order KdV Equation By The Fractionary Deforming Method ;

    计算结果表明,分数形变映射法可以十分有效,它是 非线性复杂 方程的求解特殊新方法之一。

  • Control and Acquisition Platform for Travelling Wave Dielectric Electrophoresis Chip Based on SOPC

    基于SoPC的 行波介电电泳芯片控制与采集平台设计

  • Using this method and Wu elimination method many new explicit and exact travelling wave solution are obtained to a class of reaction diffusion equation .

    用这种方法和吴消元法,得到一类反应扩散方程的许多显式和精确 行波解。

  • Travelling Wave Seismic Response of Long Span Arch Bridges

    大跨度拱桥在地震 行波 作用下的响应

  • Dynamic and Fluid-Structure Analysis of Ultrasonic Travelling Wave Annular Microfluid Driving Model

    超声 行波圆环模型的动力学分析及流固耦合分析

  • Results Some new explicit travelling wave solutions are obtained which contain hyperbola function solutions and triangle function solutions .

    结果获得了若干其它方法不曾给出的形式更为丰富的新的显式 行波解,其中包括双曲函数解和三角函数解。

  • Research on Single Terminal Travelling Wave Fault Location System for EHV Transmission Line

    超高压线路单端 行波故障定位系统的研究

  • The characteristic analysis and computer simulation of UHS travelling wave relay

    超高速 行波继电器特性分析和计算机仿真