
[ˈtrævəˌlɔɡ, -ˌlɑɡ][ˈtrævəlɒg]


  • David Herbert Lawrence ( 1885-1930 ) is one of the greatest writers in the twentieth century . His works range from fiction poetry literary criticism travelogue and personal letters .

    作为20世纪最著名的作家之一,戴维·赫伯特·劳伦斯(1885-1930)的创作涵盖小说、诗歌、文学评论、 游记书信等 方面。

  • Marco Polo 's travelogue mentions that Kublai Khan sent envoys to Malgache .

    马可波罗 游记中提到忽必烈曾派使节到过马尔加什。

  • But when I could Id read a novel or travelogue about the places I was visiting such as The House at Sugar Beach by Helene Cooper about her childhood in Liberia and Finding George Orwell in Burma by Emma Larkin .

    但是只要有机会,我会读我要去的地方的小说或 旅行 见闻,比如海伦妮库珀讲述她在西非利比里亚童年时代的《糖果海滩的家》以及艾玛拉金的《在缅甸寻找乔治奥威尔》。

  • Chinese singer and actor Nicholas Tse 's food travelogue reality program Chef Nic made its debut on Zhejiang Satellite TV last night .

    中国歌手和演员谢霆锋的美食 旅行 真人 12 于上周六在浙江卫视首播。

  • Decoding Maugham 's Historical Narrative from His Travelogue On a Chinese Screen

    在中国屏风上 解读毛姆 游记的历史叙事

  • Endless March : Travelogue on the Southward Slope of Third Peak in Sign

    无尽的远征: 三峰 南坡 攀登 漫记

  • There is a book published here recently titled australian travelogue . the author is a journalist by the name of Huang si .

    新近,这里有一部《澳洲 见闻 出版,作者 黄思是一位新闻记者。

  • Peter jackson 's latest book'africa'is part travelogue part memoir .

    彼得杰克逊最新的一本书《非洲》部分是 游记,部分是回忆录。