


vt.& vi.踩踏板

  • The study of treadle bicycles transmission system

    踏板 自行车传动系统的研究

  • Bangladesh is particularly well suited for the treadle pump because a huge reservoir of groundwater lies just a few meters below the farmers'feet .

    孟加拉国是个非常适合 使用 脚踏泵的地方,因为在农民脚下几公尺深的地底,就有丰富的地下水。

  • A study on the Treadle Loom of the Han Dynasty

    汉代 踏板织机的 复原研究

  • The vertical treadle loom is an important but lost type of loom of common use from the Tang to the Ming Dynasty .

    踏板 生机是一种 流行于自唐代至明代的重要机型,今 失传。

  • Treadle type sewing machine with rectangular cabinet


  • So they are using their treadle pumps again .

    所以他们重新使用 踏板 抽水机。

  • Aunt Sarah would play the old treadle organ and Uncle Harry and my cousins would sing .

    萨拉伯母弹着旧式的 脚踏风琴,哈里大伯和我的堂兄弟们伴唱。

  • EASY TREADLE DESIGN exclusive design . Eliminates operator fatigue .

    轻巧的 踏板设计(独特设计):减少了操作者的疲劳。

  • Analysis of the defects on the wheel treadle of the 25g railway passenger cars

    25G客车车轮 面缺陷分析

  • Treadle type sewing machine with drawer without cover

    脚踏 一斗无盖缝纫机

  • She was working the treadle of her sewing-machine .

    她正用脚踩动缝纫机的 踏板

  • But development agencies must be willing to start at the bottom - at the level of the small farmer walking quietly on his treadle pump - and work their way up .

    但开发机构必须愿意从基层做起,从默默踩 脚踏泵的小农民层次开始,然后 逐步 扩展

  • The treadle pump is easy to build from bamboo or other wood and two metal cylinders with pistons .

    踏板 抽水机很容易制造,用竹子或其它木材,加两个有活塞的气缸就可以了。

  • The power machine is run by a foot treadle and uses a knee lift to raise and lower the presser foot .

    工业 缝纫机是通过压脚 启动的,用膝盖运动抬起压脚或降落压脚。

  • Adjustable industrial sewing machine stand combined electric and treadle sewer for industry

    电动- 脚踏 两用工业缝纫机

  • Be how much a treadle motorcycle direct current fire maker ?

    一个 踏板摩托直流电打火器多少钱?

  • The report highlights the importance of low-cost technologies such as treadle pumps that could increase poor farmer 's access to water resources .

    这份报告强调了诸如 踏板泵这样的廉价技术的重要性。这些技术可以让贫困的农民获得更多的水资源。

  • The restoration of the vertical loom will give some inspiration to the study on the slant treadle loom of the Han Dynasty .

    这一复原将为汉代斜 织机的研究带来启发。

  • Reduction of asthenopia related to accommodative relaxation by means of far point stimuli EASY TREADLE DESIGN exclusive design . Eliminates operator fatigue .

    通过远点刺激使调节松弛以减轻视疲劳轻巧的 踏板设计(独特设计):减少了操作者的疲劳。