


  • RESULTS : The parameters of myocardial oxygen consumption after therapy and the total time of 24h general ischemia reduced significantly and the time of developing ST segment changes after sub-maximum exertion tread-mill excercise were prolonged obviously .

    结果:治疗后心肌耗氧指数、24h总缺血时间明显缩短,次 极量 踏车运动 试验 出现 血型ST段改变时的时间明显延长;

  • And this would help him to understand why constructing artificial flowers or performing on a tread-mill is work while rolling ten-pins or climbing Mont Blanc is only amusement .

    这个道理使他明白了为什么做假花和蹬车轮就算是工作,而玩 十柱戏和爬勃朗峰就算是娱乐。

  • Tilt Table Testing Distinguish Post-exercise Syncope with Negative Tread-mill Exercise Testing

    倾斜试验鉴别运动试验结果阴性 患者运动后晕厥