tread down

[trɛd daʊn][tred daun]


  • Tread down switch pedal connect power supply then holing needle starts to rotate and operate .


  • I talked Dave into holding on to my used tires ( which still had a lot of tread on them ) and I would pick them up on my way back down .

    我谈戴到持有我国旧轮胎(其中仍然有大量的 上),我想接他们时,我的道路上 后退

  • The back tyre tread is down a little .

    后轮胎的 舱面 花纹有点 磨平了。

  • Tread the earth down around the roots


  • No hungry generations tread thee down ;

    饥饿的世代无法将你 蹂躏

  • Through God we shall do valiantly And it is He who will tread down our adversaries .

    我们靠着神奋勇作战,因为他必 践踏我们的敌人。

  • We brothers will tread down the soil then it becomes a solid red soil bridge .

    然后 我们兄弟 结实,就成了坚固的红土桥了。

  • The foot shall tread it down even the feet of the poor and the steps of the needy .

    践踏,就是被困苦人的脚,和穷乏人的 践踏

  • They built up also at that time mount Sion with high walls and strong towers round about lest the Gentiles should at any time come and tread it down as they did before .

    那时他们也重修熙雍山,在周围建起高墙和巩固的 碉楼,免得异民再来,像从前一样 蹂躏

  • The tread on the tyres has ( been ) worn down to a dangerous level .

    轮胎 花纹已经 磨损得到 能发生危险的地步了。

  • With the hoofs of his horses he shall tread down all thy streets : thy people he shall kill with the sword and thy famous statues shall fall to the ground .

    他战马的铁蹄要 踏遍你的街道,他将用刀剑屠杀你的人民,且把你的神柱 推倒在地。

  • Through God we shall do valiantly : for he it is that shall tread down our enemies .

    我们倚靠神,才得施展大能,因为 践踏我们敌人的就是他。