


  • In the designation of marine pipe it is possible that the pipe may be impacted by the objects fallen from the vessels or by the trawlnet during the service life ( usually 20 ~ 30 years ) .

    在海底管道设计中要 考虑到在整个 海底管道运行期间(通常是20~30年)管道有可能受到由水面船只上掉下的物体或 船只 拖网 鱼具的冲击。

  • An approach to the mesh size of trawlnet and its effect on trawling speed


  • In this paper the results of the fishing improvement test for the octopus trawlnet operated by Chinese fishing vessels in the West Sahara waters were conducted .

    本文阐述中国渔船在西撒哈拉沿海捕捞章鱼的 拖网的改进和试验结果。

  • The fishing improvement test of Octopus trawlnet in the West Sahara waters

    西撒哈拉 沿海章鱼 拖网的改进试验

  • An application of nozzle propeller to auxiliary powered fishing boat and its match for trawlnet

    应用导管螺旋桨的机帆渔船与 拖网匹配 试验

  • On the flexible wing - type float of the trawlnet

    柔性翼形 浮子的研究