


  • The paper gives the internal force of members of trass structures by using the finite element method of structural analysis . The safety margin of the failure modes is generated automatically by computer .

    文中的 元件内力由有限元法求得,并由计算机自动形成失效模式的安全余量 方程

  • Based on screening and sampling properties of trass and trass concrete in Ximeng area of Inner Mongolia was studied .

    通过筛分选样,对内蒙古锡盟地区 大量 蕴藏 火山 及火山渣混凝土进行了 材料性能实验研究。

  • Other properties and possible applications can be influenced by the addition of granulated blast-furnace slag pozzolana trass fly ash and other inorganic mineral materials .

    其它的属性和可能的应用可以通过添加高炉矿渣、火山灰、 火山 、粉煤灰等其它无机矿物来改变。

  • The results showed that the trass in this area is feasible as a kind of more ideal natural lightweight aggregate and the trass concrete can reach the grade of intensity the structure component needs .

    结果表明,该地区的 火山 作为一种比较理想的天然轻骨料是可行的,用此火山渣配置的火山渣混凝土能够达到结构构件需要的强度等级。

  • Trass ceramisite is a kind of good adsorbent and can be widely used in the environmental engineering field .

    火山 制备的 火山 陶粒是一种良好的吸附剂,可广泛应用于环境工程领域。

  • The results also show that high calcium flyash has more trass characteristic than low one .

    试验还表明:高钙灰比低钙灰更具 火山灰特性;

  • The longest cantilever trass has a length of 73 . 5m . a weight of 80t and is mounted to 70 . 6m high which is unprecedented in the world .

    最长悬挑 桁架长度为73.5m、重量为80t,安装高度70.6m,为世界第一, 屋面 采用

  • Trass is formed in the process of volcanic eruption . Trass has many advantages such as good chemical stability small thermal conductivity and uniform particles .

    天然 火山渣是在火山岩浆喷发时形成的矿渣状多孔轻质材料,具有化学稳定性好、吸附性能好、颗粒均匀等优点。

  • As a new frame system stagger trass structure has rational mechanical behavior and compact frame system . Thus It has extensive application prospect in our country .

    作为一种新型的结构体系,交错 桁架结构具有受力合理,结构形式简洁的特点,在我国具有广阔的应用前景。

  • As a new type structure there were no reports and literature of the relevant studies on prestressed space composite trass at present .

    课题研究的预应力空间组合结构是一种新型结构,目前还没有相关的研究和文献 报导