travelling bag

[ˈtrævl:ɪŋ bæɡ][ˈtrævəlɪŋ bæɡ]


  • Travelling in the jungle forest people often sleep in the sleeping bag .

    在热带丛林中 旅行时,人们经常睡在 睡袋中。

  • A large travelling bag made of stiff leather .

    由硬皮革制成的大的 旅行

  • Did Mary come with any suitcase or travelling bag ?

    玛丽来时带了箱子和 旅行 吗?

  • Oh dear ! The travelling bag has been left behind .

    唉呀! 旅行 了。

  • This travelling bag is easy and convenient to carry .

    这种 旅行 携带轻便。

  • I have left my travelling bag behind .

    我要的是一个 帆布 旅行

  • Taking his travelling bag he hurried on ( off ) the train .

    他拿走 旅行 就匆匆上下w_445车了。

  • He lost his travelling bag when he crossed the desert .

    他在穿越沙漠时丢了他的 旅行

  • He packed a travelling bag and took the morning train to shanghai .

    他把东西装到 旅行 ,坐早车来到上海。

  • Yes a briefcase a travelling bag and a suitcase . Yes it 's here . By the way may I bring this briefcase with me as hand luggage ?

    是的,1个公事包、1个 旅行 行李 和1个手提箱。?是的,在这里。请问,我能随身携带这只公事包吗?