traumatic hemorrhage


  • Objective To assess the efficiency and safety of superselective transarterial embolization in the treatment of severe renal traumatic hemorrhage shock .

    目的探讨肾动脉栓塞术治疗肾 损伤 合并 出血 休克的疗效及安全性。

  • Misdiagnosis of traumatic hemorrhage in adrenal : a case report

    外伤 肾上腺 出血误诊1例

  • Understanding from emergency treatment of an airline passenger Management of Severe Renal Traumatic Hemorrhage shock by Superselective Transarterial Embolization

    抢救一例机上出血性休克乘客的体会肾动脉栓塞治疗严重肾 外伤 合并 出血性休克

  • CT Appearances of Traumatic Hemorrhage in Adrenal ( A Report of 8 Cases )

    外伤 肾上腺 出血的CT表现(附8例报告)

  • Effect of Continuous Lumbar Drainage on Early Rehabilitation of Patients with Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage

    持续腰大池引流对 外伤 蛛网膜下腔 出血患者早期康复的影响

  • Management of Severe Renal Traumatic Hemorrhage shock by Superselective Transarterial Embolization

    肾动脉栓塞治疗严重肾 外伤 合并 出血 休克

  • The nursing of traumatic renal hemorrhage treated with renal artery embolization

    肾动脉栓塞术治疗肾 损伤 出血的护理

  • Conclusion : Combination of cryoprecipitate and prothrombin complex concentrate for traumatic hemorrhage has better effects than cryoprecipitate or prothrombin complex concentrate alone .

    结论:联合应用冷沉淀与凝血酶原复合物在 创伤性 失血 患者 治疗中,联合输注组比单独输注组疗效更显著。

  • Cortical hemorrhagic infarction . Traumatic Hemorrhage of Brain Stem

    脑梗塞后皮质性出血 外伤 脑干 出血

  • Treatment of serious traumatic hemorrhage by emergent arterial embolization

    创伤性 出血的急诊动脉栓塞治疗

  • Objective To assess the efficiency and clinical value of transcatheter arterial embolization in the management of acute or refractory traumatic massive hemorrhage in the craniofacial region .

    目的探讨经动脉介入栓塞治疗颅面部 创伤 急性、难治性大 出血的临床疗效及价值。

  • Selective renal arterial embolization is thought to be a new method which is effective for traumatic hemorrhage of kidney .

    认为选择性肾动脉栓塞术对治疗肾 损伤 出血是一种新的有效方法。

  • Treatment and prognosis of traumatic hemorrhage in brain midline areas

    脑中线区 外伤 出血的治疗与预后

  • Objective : The intracerebral hemorrhage ( ICH ) is primary not traumatic hemorrhage of brain . Its incidence rate of mutilation and mortality are high . Body and local brain show a series of pathological changes after ICH .

    目的:脑出血(Intracerebralhemorrhage,ICH)系指原发性非 外伤 脑实质内的 出血,其发病率、致残率和死亡率均较高。

  • Objective To evaluate the clinical value of transcatheter arterial embolization for emergency treatment of severely traumatic hemorrhage .

    目的探讨经导管靶动脉栓塞急诊治疗 外伤 出血的临床价值。

  • The application findings of CT scan and arteriography on renal trauma complication embolization material and technique of selective renal artery embolization in the treatment of traumatic hemorrhage of kidney are discusses .


  • Conclusion The various clinical manifestations easily cause misdiagnosis of cerebrovascular hemorrhage or traumatic hemorrhage .

    结论出血性脑瘤卒中的临床表现多样,容易误诊为脑血管病出血或脑 外伤 出血

  • Traumatic Subarachnoid Hemorrhage and Vasospasm ; Dyslipidemia Features of Ischemic Heart and Brain Diseases

    外伤 蛛网膜下腔 出血与脑血管痉挛缺血性心脑血管病患者血脂谱特点分析

  • The dogs without returned blood died most likely for hemorrhagic shock after mimic traumatic hemorrhage .

    主要死因分析为模拟 创伤 失血后,犬无回输血液,造成失血性休克。

  • Conclusion Transcatheter arterial embolization of acute or refractory traumatic hemorrhage in craniofacial region is effective and safe and should be regarded as the first choice of treatment .

    结论经动脉介入栓塞治疗颅面部 创伤 急性 出血创伤 止血迅速、安全有效,可成为临床首选治疗方法。

  • Methods There were 9 patients with severe renal traumatic hemorrhage shock .

    方法肾 外伤 合并 出血 休克9例。

  • Evaluation Value of Two Trauma Scaling Systems in Patients of Acute Alcoholism with Traumatic Intracranial Hemorrhage in Pre-hospital Care

    院前急救中两种创伤评分法对急性酒精中毒合并 外伤 颅内 出血患者的评估作用

  • Remained posterior hyaloid membrane is a common complication of PPV surgery and it usually occurs in patients with PDR RRD without obvious PVR and early traumatic vitreous hemorrhage .

    玻璃体后界膜残留是PPV手术常见并发症,易发生于PDR、无明显PVR的RRD和早期 外伤 玻璃体积 患者;玻璃体后界膜残留是PPV术后产生PVR和视网膜脱离的重要原因之一。

  • Continuous external drainage by catheterization in early treatment of traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage

    早期置管持续外引流治疗 创伤性蛛网膜下腔 出血的体会

  • To analyze the curative effect of cerebrospinal fluid displacement in the treatment of traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage from 165 cases

    脑脊液置换术治疗 外伤 蛛网膜下腔 出血165例分析

  • To rupture or break open as a surgical wound . traumatic hemorrhage and tear of choroid

    裂口裂开或破裂,如伤口 外伤 脉络膜 出血和破裂

  • Traumatic Hemorrhage of Brain Stem

    外伤 脑室出血

  • Objective To study clinical features of traumatic intraventricular hemorrhage in50 cases to improve its treatment .

    目的总结分析50例 创伤性脑室内 出血的临床特点,以提高其临床救治水平。

  • Objective To investigate diagnostic effects of CT and inflammatory cytokines of cerebrospinal fluid to cerebral vasospasm following traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage .

    目的探讨CT及脑脊液炎性细胞因子对 外伤 蛛网膜下腔 出血后脑血管痉挛的早期诊断价值。