trapezoidal pulse


  • Trapezoidal shaping algorithm for digital multi-channel pulse height analysis

    数字化多道 脉冲幅度分析中的 梯形成形算法

  • This paper presents new technique for harmonic reduction in inverter using trapezoidal pulse width modulation ( TPWM );

    本文提出了用 梯形 脉宽调制(TPWM)降低逆变器谐波的一种新方法。

  • The result shows that the wear resistance of pulse electroplated coating in dry friction and abrasive liquid is better than that of direct current plated coating especially the coating plated by trapezoidal pulse has the best wear resistance .

    结果表明,脉冲镀层在干摩擦和腐蚀液中的耐磨损性与直流电镀层相比有较大提高,尤其是 梯形 脉冲电镀获得的镀层的耐磨性最好;

  • In order to dynamically calibrate the testing system of a special project the device that can generate controllable trapezoidal pulse signals was developed .

    为对某特殊工程测试系统进行动态标定,研制出一种可控式 梯形 脉冲信号发生装置。

  • A trapezoidal shaping algorithm was studied for digital multi-channel pulse height analysis in a digital nuclear spectrometer .

    为了研制数字化核谱仪,研究了一种用于数字多道 脉冲幅度分析的 梯形成形算法。

  • The step response performance and the response of trapezoidal pulse is analysed by the means of simulation in MATLAB .

    在MATLAB中仿真分析了推力 测试系统的阶跃响应和 梯形 脉冲响应。