
[ˈjɛə, ˈjæə, jɛ-][jeə]

adv.是( yes的俗音)(用于表示对后说的话不相信)(用于作出回应)哦

  • ' This thing with the Corbett woman . ' — 'Oh yeah . What about her ? '

    “是跟那个科比特家的女人有关的事。”——“ ,她怎么了?”

  • Joey : Yeah I 'm an actor .


  • Okay yeah I know you gotta go I love you .


  • Bob : yeah I am a little tired too . I 'll get going .


  • The phrase ' yeah yeah yeah ' can rarely have been delivered with so much unhinged passion .


  • ' Do you want to go through it all ? ' — ' Yeah if you want . '

    “你想把它都看完吗?”——“ 的,如果你愿意的话。”

  • ' We 're all talking at the same time . ' — ' Yeah . Sorry . '

    “我们俩在同时讲话。”——“ ,抱歉。”

  • His mother was murdered . Yeah she got whacked . Snuffed out .

    他母亲是被谋杀的。 的,是被人干掉的,弄死的。

  • My dad was there and he 's like : ' Yeah . Yeah . I want to come . '

    我爸爸当时在那儿,就说,“ ,对,我想来。”

  • ' Hello is this Raymond Brown ? ' — ' Yeah who 's this ? '

    “喂,是雷蒙德·布朗吗?”——“ ,您是哪位?”

  • ' You 'll find that everybody will try and help their colleague . ' — ' Yeah . There 's a lot of that . '

    “你会发现同事们都会尽力互相帮助。”——“ ,有很多这样的事。”

  • ' Today ? ' — ' I 'd assume so yeah . '

    “今天?”——“对,我觉得 。”

  • ' Do you remember your first day at school ? ' — ' Oh aye . Yeah . '

    “你还记得第一天上学吗?”“噢,是的, 当然。”

  • ' I heard you had some funny phone calls . ' — ' Yeah that 's why yours rather put the wind up me . '

    “我听说你接到了一些骚扰电话。”——“ 没错儿,所以你的电话把我吓坏了。”

  • A : Oh yeah . I forgot tax .

    A: ,我忘记税了。

  • ' I ought to think about going actually . If that 's all right with you . ' — ' Yeah . No problem . '

    “事实上,我应该考虑去,如果你不介意的话。”——“ ,没关系。”

  • ' It 's a fabulous opportunity . ' — ' Yeah . I know . '

    “这是一次非常棒的机会。”——“ ,我知道。”

  • ' I think you 're being paranoid . ' — ' Yeah . I guess so . '

    我认为你太多疑了。”——“ ,我也是这样认为。”

  • Yeah I can 't wait .


  • What was I going to say . Oh yeah we 've finally got our second computer .

    我刚想说什么来着。 了,我们终于有了第二台电脑。

  • ' Shall I give you a ring on Friday ? ' — ' Yeah okay . '

    “我星期五给你打电话好吗?”——“ 的。”

  • ' I remembered something funny today . ' — ' Yeah ? '

    “我记得今天有件特别有趣的事。” ——“什么事?”

  • ' Bring us something to drink . ' — ' Yeah yeah . '

    “给我们拿点喝的。”——“ 的,好的。”

  • Is that the right way up ? — Yeah . I suppose so

    这是上去的路吗?—— 的,我想

  • Yeah I guess I got the gist of it .


  • ' Find anything ? ' he asked . ' Yeah . The plot thickens ' I said .

    “有什么发现没有?”他问。“ ,情况越来越复杂了,”我说。

  • ' Perhaps one day I may go on a relaxing holiday . ' — ' Yeah dream on . '

    “也许有一天我可以享受一个放松身心的假期。”——“ ,你就做梦吧。”

  • When I finished he said ' Yeah . That figures '

    等我说完,他说道:“ 预料中事。”

  • Rick : Yeah I hear you .

    里克: 的,我明白了。