



  • Voice recognition for commands is still buggy and the industrial design resembles a Star Trek prop .

    比如,在语音识别命令功能上,谷歌眼镜还有不少弊端;而且,它的外观设计与 星际 迷航 Star Trek 中的道具太过相似。

  • And the wrong theory of the emotions is beautifully illustrated in the television and movie series Star Trek .

    错误情感理论,被漂亮地诠释,在电视及电影星际 迷航中。

  • Before I left the contest I gave Linda my Star Trek cardboard cutout as a consolation prize .

    在我离开竞赛现场之前,我把我的 星际 迷航 纸板的边角料作为安慰奖送给了琳达。

  • Trek mountain bikes with ABP let you brake later go faster and stay in control .

    安装ABP的 山地车让你能更晚的刹车,更迅速的行进,同时保持操控性。

  • I just got this new sci-fi game based on the Star Trek show .

    我现在玩的这种科幻电子游戏是根据电视 星际 旅行 做的。

  • Mine has to be the transporter from Star Trek .

    以我看一定 还是 星际 迷航 传送器 系统 最好

  • It was a long trek and Jack and I both started to get cranky after about ten minutes .

    那是一次 长途跋涉,我和杰克走了约10分钟便开始烦躁不安起来。

  • Despite being in the throes of school exams Tamsin made the long trek from Liverpool .

    虽然还要忙着准备学校的考试,塔姆辛还是完成了从利物浦出发的漫长而 艰辛 跋涉

  • He also directed movies including two from the Star Trek franchise and television shows .

    他还执导了几部电影包括《 星际 迷航 系列的其中两部和电视剧。

  • Most of the trek is along worn paths .

    大部分 时候 是沿着被人踩得坑坑洼洼的小路 跋涉

  • This year we 're going trekking in Nepal .

    今年我们准备去尼泊尔 远足

  • They trekked from shop to shop in search of white knee-length socks .

    他们 拖着 步子从一家商店 一家,寻找齐膝的白袜子。

  • I have no desire to trek up that hill another time .

    我不想再 那座山了。

  • GQ : When did you get into Star Trek ?

    GQ:你进入 星际剧组是几岁?

  • We can 't risk alienating the Star Trek fans .

    不可 怠慢了的爱好者。

  • Beam me Up Scotty is a tagline from another television show Star Trek .

    把我传上飞船“是另一部电视剧” 星际 旅行“中的标志性台词。

  • So they made another Great Trek .

    于是,他们开始了又一次大 迁徙 Great Trek

  • Joyce Bryt is a devoted Star Trek fan .

    乔伊丝·布赖特是 星际 迷航》的狂热粉丝。

  • On the final day of a trek in Tajikistan my wife and I split from the main group .

    在塔吉克斯坦 徒步 旅行的最后一天,我和妻子与大部队分开了。

  • Applicant acted out a Star Trek role .

    应聘者演了 星际 迷航 的角色。

  • ANDREW : He wanted me to come over and watch Star Trek with him .

    安德鲁:他想找我来和他一起看《星际 迷航

  • I 'm guessing it 's not a alien on star trek .

    我猜不是 星际 飞船上的外星人。

  • Hold my star trek bracelet .

    拿着我的 星际 旅行手镯。

  • Yes you can use a stationary trainer with your carbon framed Trek bike .

    是的,您可以在固定骑行台上用过我们的碳车架的 自行车。

  • They sound more like Mission Impossible and Star Trek gimmicks than weapons .

    它们听上去象是一个不可能的任务和 星际 旅行中的小机关而不是武器。

  • And he still made an annual trek even though his wife had died three years earlier .

    虽然妻子也已在3年前去世了,他却仍旧 重复着每一年的 旅行

  • I would love to wear these fora dash of comfort and style when I have to trek around campus .

    当我在校园 溜达的时候,这些舒适和时尚产生碰撞的服装是我的 首选

  • I 'd love to trek through the jungle because I like exciting vacations .

    我想 穿越热带丛林,因为我喜欢刺激的假期。

  • His zeal to entertain and enlighten reached beyond Star Trek and crossed genres .

    他对于娱乐和教化的热情不止于 星际 迷航 而是跨越多个领域。

  • I also received my prize : a life-size cardboard replica of a character from Star Trek .

    我也得到了我的奖品:一个真人大小的 星际 迷航 角色纸板制品。