
[ˈtriˌfɔɪl, ˈtrɛfˌɔɪl][ˈtrefɔɪl]



  • Influence of Three Salt Stress on Physiological Function of Wheat Trefoil Stage

    3种盐胁迫对小麦 三叶期生理功能的影响

  • Changes of the Activity of Nuclear Factor - κ B in Neonatal Rat Model of Necrotizing Enterocolitis and Intervention Effect of Intestinal Trefoil Factor on Them

    坏死性小肠结肠炎新生大鼠核因子-κB活性变化及肠 三叶因子的干预作用

  • Trefoil factor family ( TFF ) consists of three members including TFF1 TFF2 and TFF3 .


  • This study aims to study of Bacillus subtilis on intestinal flora intestinal trefoil factor expression to explore the Bacillus subtilis probiotic mechanism of the intestinal tract .

    本试验旨在通过研究枯草芽孢杆菌对菌群失调小鼠肠道肠 三叶因子(TFF3)表达的影响,来探讨枯草芽孢杆菌对肠道的益生机制。

  • Effects of Post-harvest Storage Duration on Extraction Rate of Leaf Protein in White Trefoil

    收获后存放时间对 三叶草叶蛋白提取率的影响

  • Correlation Between Expression of Trefoil Factor 1 and Angiogenesis in Gastric Cancer

    胃癌组织中 三叶 因子1的表达与血管形成的关系

  • Study on the Expression of Trefoil Factor 2 in the Gastric Ulcer Pathogenesis


  • Expression of trefoil factor 1 in functional dyspepsia and chronic gastritis


  • Study of the expression of intestinal trefoil factor in the intestines of rats


  • The eight of clubs for instance represented a huge tree bearing eight enormous trefoil leaves a sort of fantastic personification of the forest .

    例如那张梅花八便是一株有八片大 花瓣的大树,一种表现森林的怪诞手法。

  • Expression of Trefoil Factor Family Members in Gastric Cancer Precancerous Lesion and Their Significance


  • Our company is the production of professional trefoil Roots blower manufacturers of products used in Japan .

    我公司是生产 三叶罗茨风机的专业厂家,产品采用日本工艺。

  • They say Dr. Trefoil is very rich .

    人家说, 特雷福伊尔博士很富裕。

  • For instance there is only one type of knot where a string crosses itself three times known as a trefoil .

    比如说,当一条线绳自己缠绕三次后,只能形成一种绳结,被称为 三叶结。

  • Effect of Related Active Components of Pinellia Heart-Draining Decoction on Expression of Trefoil Factors 1 2 mRNA in the Gastric Ulcer Rats

    半夏泻心汤相关活性成分对胃溃疡大鼠 TFF1、2mRNA表达的影响

  • Correlation of trefoil factor 3 expression in gastric carcinoma precancerous lesions gastric adenoma with angiogenesis


  • The terminal has a trefoil plan comprising three symmetrical wings of departure gates .

    航运站有一个 闭合的平面,包括登机口的三个对称的翅膀。

  • Study on the Mechanism of the Protective Effect of Intestinal Trefoil Factor on Inflammatory Bowel Disease in Mice Model


  • Purification physical properties and stability of intestinal trefoil factor


  • Analysis of expression of trefoil factor 1 and 2 in gastric intestinal metaplasia and gastric cancer by tissue microarray

    胃黏膜肠化及胃癌中 三叶因子1表达的组织芯片技术研究

  • The expression of trefoil factor ( TFF ) was determined by molecular biology techniques . Results : 1 .

    利用分子生物学技术,通过测定 三叶因子(TFF2)表达情况评价治疗效果。

  • TFF ( trefoil factor family ) peptides are well known for their protective and healing effects after mucosal damage .


  • Influence of Intestinal Trefoil Factor on Interleukin-1 β in Neonatal Rats with Necrotizing Enterocolitis


  • Objective : To investigate the expression of trefoil factor 1 ( TFF-1 ) and its relationship with the angiogenesis in gastric cancer .

    目的:研究 三叶 因子1(TFF-1)在人胃癌组织中的表达及其与胃癌血管形成的关系。

  • Expression of Trefoil Factor 1 in Gastric Cancer


  • Construction of human intestinal trefoil factor yeast two-hybrid vector and characterization of its self-activation in yeast cells

    人肠 三叶因子酵母双杂交诱饵载体的构建及其自激活作用鉴定

  • The Research on the Relationship between Human Urinary Trefoil Factor 1 and Urolithiasis

    人尿液 三叶因子1( TFF1)与尿路结石的相关性研究

  • The trefoil is the simplest knot in mathematicians'classification .

    按照数学家们的分类, 叶形是最简单的纽结。所谓纽结,它是三维空间中不与自己相交的封闭曲线,或者说是三维空间中与圆周同胚的图形。

  • Anwei Decoction ; Chronic atrophic gastritis ; Trefoil factor family ;

    安胃汤;慢性萎缩性胃炎; 三叶 家族;

  • The Screen of Human Trefoil Factor 2 Interacting Protein Gene in CDNA Library of Gastric Cancer Cell

    胃癌细胞CDNA文库中 三叶因子2相互作用蛋白基因筛选