transonic speed

[trænˈsɑnɪk spid][trænˈsɔnik spi:d]


  • Design and test for single stage transonic fan with high speed 、 high load

    高速、高负荷 跨音速单级风扇设计与试验

  • In the flight of transonic speed equal amplitude vibration of a certain type of aircraft encountered during the type finalization test a study on the flutter analysis and vibration data measured in real flight test are performed .

    针对某型机定型试飞中遇到的 跨音速等幅振动现象,对该机的颤振分析和试飞实测振动数据进行了研究。

  • The wave drag coefficient also increases with increasing upswept angle at transonic speed .


  • Combining in a way that takes maximum advantage of both a detailed Subsonic or transonic flow solution for high speed blade curved passages and low-hub-tip ratio blades Can be obtained .

    使程序适应了 大展弦比大弯曲度的长叶片的流场的预测计算,并且其求解范围也拓展到 跨音速流场,在一定程度上克服了两种求解方法的局限性。

  • The institutions pay much attention to it stemmed from the fact . Oblique wing aircraft can decrease high transonic and low supersonic flight drag and improves the aerodynamic efficiency in high speed flight .

    因此斜置机翼飞机能够有效地减小飞机在高 跨音速和低超音速时的飞行阻力,提高飞机 超音速飞行的气动效率。

  • Air Force.The101 MW drive and135 hp synchronous motor at NASA 's National Transonic Facility in Virginia is the biggest and most powerful variable speed drive system in the world .

    NASA位于维吉尼亚州的国家 跨音速实验室的101兆瓦驱动和135000马力同步电机是世界上最大和最强大的 变速驱动系统。

  • Analysis study on transonic speed equal amplitude vibration of a certain Type of aircraft

    某型机 跨音速等幅振动研究

  • Unlike in subsonic and transonic speed regimes the interference resulting from the finite size of the test region is seldom present .

    不像在亚、 跨音速区域,这里因试验段尺寸有限造成的干扰是难得存在的。

  • In transonic condition high efficiency at the same speed exists in a circumferential disturbance ;

    同一 转速下, 跨音速 流动最高效率工况周向静压分布不均匀;

  • An Investigation of Airfoil Nonlinear Flutter Characterstics at Transonic Speed
