transport document

[trænsˈpɔrt ˈdɑkjəmənt][trænsˈpɔ:t ˈdɔkjumənt]

[法] 运输单据

  • If a rail transport document does not identify the carrier any signature or stamp of the railway company will be accepted as evidence of the document being signed by the carrier .

    如果铁路 运输 单据没有指明承运人,可以接受铁路运输公司的任何签字或印戳作为承运人签署单据的证据。

  • The structure of a transport document is not governed by the UCP ; this is for each shipping company or agent to determine .

    运输 单据的整体结构不是由UCP来决定的,是由各自海运公司或代理人决定的。

  • The Credit should not require an Air Transport Document to be presented in more than one original .

    信用证不应要求交来 空运 单据多于一张正本。

  • Transport document bearing reference by stamp or otherwise to costs additional to the freight is prohibited .


  • Non-negotiable maritime transport document ( generic )

    不可转让的 海运 单证(通用)

  • The multimodal transport document shall be signed by the multimodal transport operator or by a person having authority from him .

    多式 联运 单据应由多式联运经营人或经其他授权的人签字。

  • Establish procedures which require proper marking counting weighing ( if necessary ) for reporting on the transport document or manifest .

    建立程序要求在 运输 或装货单上报告适当的标识,数量,重量(如果必要)

  • The traditional carriage of goods by a single mode of transport developed an appropriate transport document for each mode .

    传统的单一方式的货物运输,产生了与每一种运输方式相适应的 运输 单证

  • A bank will only accept a clean transport document . A clean transport document is one bearing no clause or notation expressly declaring a defective condition of the goods or their packaging .

    银行只接受清洁 运输 单据,清洁运输单据指未载有明确宣称货物或包装有缺陷的条款或批注的运输单据。

  • The presented transport document is a combined transport document ( CTD ) showing the entire transport as performed by means of two journeys the first part by sea and remaining part by air .

    提交的联合 运输 单据(CTD)表明运输的全程由两段构成,第一段运输通过海运,余下的路程则通过空运。

  • If the credit requires courier charges to be paid or prepaid banks will also accept a transport document issued by a courier or expedited delivery service evidencing that courier charges are for the account of a party other than the consignee .

    如信用证要求专递费用付讫或预付时,银行也将接受专递或快递机构出具的注明专递费用由收货人以外的一方承担的 运输 单据

  • Even if the credit prohibits transhipment banks will accept an air transport document which indicates that transhipment will or may take place provided that the entire carriage is covered by one and the same air transport document .

    即使信用证禁止转运,银行也将接受上面注明将发生或可能发生转运的 空运 单据,只要是同一空运单据包括运输全程即可。

  • A clause on a transport document stating that the goods may be loaded on deck is acceptable .

    声明可能被装于舱面的 运输 单据条款可以接受。

  • If a credit calls for an air transport document banks will unless otherwise stipulated in the credit accept a document however named .

    如果信用证要求提供 空运 单据,除非信用证另有相反规定,否则,银行将接受下列单据,不论其称谓如何。

  • If a credit calls for a road rail or inland waterway transport document banks will unless otherwise stipulated in the credit accept a document of the type called for however named .

    如果信用证要求提供公路、铁路或内河 运输 单据,除非信用证另有相反规定,否则银行将接受所要求的类型的 运输单据,不认其称谓如何。

  • The beneficiary was required to ship the goods by sea ( and present a bill of lading ) or by air ( and present an air transport document ) .

    要求受益人通过海运装运货物(并提交提单)或通过空运(并提交航空 运输 单据)。

  • Multi-model / combined transport document ( generic )

    多式 联运 单证(通用)

  • Universal ( multipurpose ) transport document

    通用(多用) 运输 单证

  • Consignee information if shown must not be inconsistent with the consignee information in the transport document .

    收货人的信息,如果显示,则不得与 运输 单据中的收货人信息相矛盾。

  • The buyer must accept the appropriate delivery order or transport document in accordance with A8 .

    买方必须接受按照A8规定提供的适当的提货单或 运输 单据

  • It is common practice in international sales that the seller provides the buyer with certain documents : invoice transport document certificates etc.

    卖方向买方提供某些特定单证,如发票、 运输 单据、证书等,是国际买卖中的通常作法。

  • Ii . A rail transport document marked duplicate will be accepted as an original .

    注明“第二联”的铁路 运输 单据将被作为正本接受。

  • Dispatch taking in charge or loading on board may be indicated by wording to that effect on the multimodal transport document and the date of issuance will be deemed to be the date of dispatch taking in charge or loading on board and the date of shipment .

    发运、接受监管或装载,可在多式 运输 单据上以文字表明,且出单日期即视为发运、接受监管或装载日期及装运日期。

  • To balance the risks it has become a practical mode to establish a dual-track system of transport document the operation of which may make abolishing the system of bill of lading .

    平衡可转让运输单证所生成的风险,创建 运输 单证的双轨制成为一种具有现实性的模式。

  • The seller must at his own expense provide the Buyer without delay with the usual transport document for the agreed port of destination .

    卖方必须自付费用,毫不迟延地向买方提供表明载往约定目的港的通常 运输 单据

  • We will also accept a transport document issued by a courier or expedited delivery service evidencing that courier charges fire for the account of a party other than the consignee .

    我方也将接受 专递或快递机构出具的注明由收货人以外的一方承担的运费 单据

  • Where the credit calls for an actual date of dispatch indicate a specific notation of such date the date of dispatch so indicated on the air transport document will be deemed to be the date of shipment .

    如信用证要求注明实际发运日期,则应对此日期作出专项批注。在 空运 单据上如此表示的发运日期,即视为装运日期。

  • At his own expense provide the buyer if customary with the usual transport document .

    如有贯例,应自费供给买方通常的 运输 单证

  • When multimodal transport has occurred is a transport document marked received for shipment and dated as of that date acceptable ?

    当多式运输发生时, 运输 单据注明“收妥待运”且注明的日期为收妥待运日期是否可以接受?

  • A credit calls for a transport document stating two options i.e. transport by sea or by air .

    信用证要求 运输 单据,规定了两种选择,即海洋运输或航空运输。