transport machine

[trænsˈpɔrt məˈʃin][trænsˈpɔ:t məˈʃi:n]


  • Automatic feeder for textile-preparing machinery Specially produce all kinds of packing machines packing equipments packing materials and automatic assembly line transport machine and production line .


  • Second corrode is it happen in 240 above wax oil residual oil etc. high-temperature pipeline and transport high-temperature medium machine at the pump mainly to take place mainly high-temperature sulphur ;

    第二种是高温硫腐蚀,主要发生在主要发生在240℃以上的蜡油、渣油等高温管线及 输送高温介质 泵上;

  • CONTROL THE TENSION AND PROLONG THE LIFE OF STEEL WIRE BELT CONVEYOR Reasonable Choice to Tape Stretch Dint of Tape Transport Machine

    控制张紧力,延长钢丝绳芯胶带使用寿命合理选择带式 输送机 输送带的张紧力

  • DCH - 2 underground service vehicle first developed successfully in China as a trackless auxiliary transport machine for mining indicates the underground transport equipment coming into a new stage .

    DCH-2型井下运料车是我国第一 无轨采矿 机械化辅助 运输 设备。它的研制成功,标志我国井下运输设备进入了一个新的发展阶段。

  • Liquid Press the Support Control Empress Department Technique That Pares off the Plank to Transport the Machine Fall

    液压支架控制后部刮板 输送机下滑的技术

  • Method of Increasing Service Life of Wire Rope for Pulling Tape Transport Machine

    提高牵引胶带 运输机用钢丝绳使用寿命的途径

  • Reasonable Choice to Tape Stretch Dint of Tape Transport Machine

    合理选择带式 输送机 输送带的张紧力

  • The coal conveyer belt is an important transport machine of thermal power plant .

    拖头牵引的起重运输机输煤胶带是火力发电厂的重要 运输 机械

  • Frozen machinery include refrigerator cooling freezing machine frozen storage transport thawed machine etc.

    冷冻机械包括制冷机、冷却冻结机、冷冻储藏机,冷冻 运输机,解冻 等。

  • Belt conveyor is the most common transport machine adopted in coal mine for a long distance . But during the running process conveyor belts are often ripped longitudinally because of the high-speed operation and internal structure of conveyor belt .

    带式输送机是煤矿中普遍采用的长距离 连续 运输 工具,但在其运行过程中,由于输送带运行速度较高以及输送带内部结构的原因,经常出现输送带纵向撕裂事故。

  • Tower cranes as a major transport machine are being made greater use of in the process of modern construction .

    塔式起重机(简称塔机)作为主要物料 运输 机械在建筑业得到了广泛应用。

  • The Characteristics of Ramp Hauling System with Electric Transport Machine and Its Application

    电动 运输机斜坡道运输系统的特点及其应用

  • Instead of continuing down the Chinese rabbit hole the CEO is working on a plan to transport his machine tools to a newly purchased manufacturing plant in South Florida .

    这位CEO不打算守在中国这条 沉船上,而正计划将他的 机床搬到在佛罗里达州南部新买的一家制造厂里。

  • Wire rope is one of the important parts of pulling tape transport machine using SW structure and high toughness moderate strength wire to lay .

    钢丝绳是牵引胶带 运输机的关键部件之一,选用SW型结构,用韧性高、强度适中的钢丝捻制。

  • Application of the Transport Machine in the Pneumatic Servo Position System

    气动伺服定位系统在 输送机上的研制

  • Bulldozer is a self-propelled transport machinery it relies on travelling mechanism to promote the machine to work is typical of traction transport machine .

    推土机为自行式铲土运输机械,它依靠行走机械提供动力,推动整机进行工作,是典型的牵引型 运输 机械

  • His main function is transport the coal mining machine and big facilities in fully mechanized mining face in inverted faces or new working face .

    主要作用是在井下综采工作面搬家倒面或新工作面安装时,完成采煤 和部分大型设备的 搬运任务。

  • This text introduced the ground the push type to transport the machine 's turn theories the calculationed with the actual design .

    本文介绍了一种地推式 输送机的转弯理论计算和设计。

  • Analyzing the principle of the hydraulic system of altering range mechanism of cantilever bucket transport machine inquiring deep into the reasons of appearing vibrating and slipping down stoppages for the arm of bucket transport machine and suggesting handling methods and improving measures .

    分析了悬臂式斗轮 取料 变幅机构液压系统的工作原理,对斗轮机臂架振颤及下滑故障产生的原因进行了深入地探讨,提出了处理办法与改进措施。

  • Failure Prevention Detection and Resolute Method in Transport Signal Control Machine

    信号控制 的故障预防、检测及 排除方法

  • The Limitation of Driving a Zonal Transport Machine by Using Double Rollers Together


  • A Quantitative Analysis of Moving Fibre States in Transport Tube on OE-Spinning Machine


  • This thesis researches the application of Virtual Prototyping technology to the product exploration by researching one new type supply & transport bomb machine of artillery which is being designed .

    本文以正在研制的某新型火炮供 机构为研究对象,研究虚拟样机技术在武器产品开发中的实际应用。

  • Utilize Pro / E technology optimize design of large-scale hydraulic pressure stand transport machine

    利用Pro/E技术优化大型支架 运输 设计

  • Carry a transport machine toward tape at super turn the mineral of research to manufacture with the application

    运送U形钢双向带式 输送机在超化矿的研制与应用

  • It can be widely used to drive all kinds of machine equipments like machine tool pump fan compressor transport machine agriculture machine food machine and so on .

    该系列电动机可广泛适用于驱动各种机械设备,如:机床、泵、风机、压缩机、 运输 机械、农业机械、食品机械等。

  • Specially produce all kinds of packing machines packing equipments packing materials and automatic assembly line transport machine and production line . The sooner the specialized textbook packaging engineering is compiled the better .

    其他:依利达包装器材有限公司专业研发各种包装机械/料及自动化流水线/ .同时指出为完善包装学科教材,应尽快编写专业针对性强的《包装工程制图》。

  • Vacuum transport Powder machine mainly applies in the transportation of many kinds of powdery raw material such as PVC powder processing aids and mixed powder .

    负压吸粉 主要应用于PVC粉、加工助剂、混合粉多种粉状原料的输送。

  • Application based on PLC control in the leather belt transport machine

    基于PLC控制的皮带 输送机 系统的应用