




  • The Government has found it 's caught in a trap of its own making .

    政府发现自己 作茧自缚

  • The train was trapped underground by a fire

    列车被大火 地下。

  • You have fallen into the trap .

    你们可 上当了。

  • They did not realise that they were being lured into a trap

    他们没有意识到自己正被诱入 圈套

  • We realized too late that we were caught like rats in a trap .

    等我们发觉自己已成 瓮中之鳖时已经太晚了。

  • He seemed to think I was setting some sort of trap for him


  • The Prime Minister however is now caught in a trap of her own making .

    但是,首相现在却落入了她自己 圈套 之中

  • Were you just trying to trap her into making some admission ?

    你刚才是想 诱使她供认吗?

  • Wool traps your body heat keeping the chill at bay

    毛织品 能够保暖御寒。

  • Until he saw the trapped wagons and animals he did not realize the full extent of the catastrophe .

    直到他看见 受困的马车和动物,才意识到灾难的严重性。

  • It 's a trap too many people fall into .

    太多人都掉进了这个 陷阱中。

  • The team posed as drug dealers to trap the ringleaders .

    该队队员装扮成毒品贩子, 诱捕罪犯头目。

  • Journalists informed police who planted an undercover detective to trap Smith .

    记者通知了警方,后者于是为 诱捕史密斯而安插了一名卧底侦探。

  • There is no greater thrill than to bluff a man trap him and outfox him .

    虚张声势吓唬别人,让他钻入 圈套,用计将他击败,没有比这更刺激的事情了。

  • It is here that most students fall into a subtle and deadly trap .

    正是在这一点上大多数学生落入了一个不易察觉但却非常危险的 陷阱

  • They were laying a trap for the kidnapper .

    他们设下一个 圈套引绑匪上钩。

  • I would hate him to think I 'm trying to trap him

    我不愿让他以为我是在给他 圈套

  • I wondered if it was an animal caught in a trap .

    我在想,会不会是什么动物掉进了 陷阱

  • This landscape seemed to trap and amplify sounds

    这种地貌好像可以 并放大声音。

  • Nancy knew she 'd be a sitting duck when she raised the trap door .

    南希明白,只要一打开 天窗,她马上就会成为受攻击的目标。

  • The volume of gas trapped on these surfaces can be considerable .


  • One should learn from past mistakes so as to avoid falling into the same old trap again .

    要从过去的错误中吸取教训,以免 重蹈覆辙

  • The light aircraft then cartwheeled trapping both men

    这架轻型飞机接着一个侧翻, 两个人都 困住了。

  • The couple set up a 24-hour security camera to trap the vandal scratching their car .

    夫妇俩装了个24小时监控摄像头,想要 抓住故意划坏他们车子的家伙。

  • Many people fall into the trap of believing that home decorating must always be done on a large scale

    很多人错误地认为家居装修总是要大动一番 干戈

  • The two cars cartwheeled horrifyingly into the sand trap at the first corner .

    那两辆车在第一个拐弯处翻滚着跌入了 沙坑,场面十分骇人。

  • The locals were encouraged to trap and kill the birds .

    当地居民过去被鼓励 捕捉 捕杀这种鸟。

  • She had trapped him so neatly that he wanted to slap her .


  • He was trying to decide whether the question was some sort of a trap .
