There will be an 8.2 % error between the growth rate of transient and dynamic models when growth time is 5 hours . This error is not too large so the transient model can be used to compare with experiments .
比较动态和静态模型可知,当生长时间为5小时时, 静态 和 动态模型的平均生长速度的误差为8.2%,可以简单地用静态模型进行模拟,不会带来太大的 误差。
Soft error is a kind of transient error after which the circuit component is not damaged .
软错误是一种 瞬态 错误,不造成集成电路的永久损坏。
Through the study we found that : 1.The HRTS algorithm uses transient synchronization strategy the synchronization error has a linear growth between two adjacent operation.2.The original plan only processes the phase offset but it ignores the impact of clock drift to synchronization .
通过研究发现:1.HRTS算法采用 瞬时同步策略,同步 误差在相邻2次同步操作之间呈线性增长。2.原有方案只进行相位偏移同步,忽略了时钟漂移对同步的影响。
Digital revision method on transient error of capacitive voltage transformer
电容式电压互感器 暂态 误差的数字校正方法
In this paper the CT 's complex error and transient error are introduced .
全面描述了电流互感器复合误差、 暂态 误差 的 计算方法。
The optimum value of the adjustable parameter and the minimum value of the transient response error were obtained through the calculation of the minimun value of J.
通过求J的极小值使可调参数达到最佳, 瞬态响应 误差为最小。
For example the MTi-G copes with transient accelerations ; a typical error source for any AHRS using the gravity as its reference estimating roll and pitch .
而任何传统的 AHRS 误差源自于其使用万有引力如同它参考辊间距估算值。两侧产生耦合动作损失。
The results show the multi-step predictive model can be used to predict accurately air fuel ratio during transient condition and maximum error of prediction model is below 1 % and average error is below 0.5 % .
研究结果表明:采用该方法能精确预测 过渡工况空燃比,预测模型的最大 误差小于1%,平均误差小于0.5%。
The small non-integer multiples portion of the sample might influence the transient error steady-state error and zero drift of the CMF .
在不同的待测初相角下,非整数周期的影响不同,相对相位误差变化很大,最终影响流量测量值的 瞬态 误差、稳态误差及零点漂移。
With the sudden change of the input signal of the capacitive voltage transformer ( CVT ) the primary voltage can not been quickly tracked by the CVT output so that a transient error will be made .
电容式电压互感器(CVT)在输入电压信号发生突变时,其输出不能很快地跟随一次电压的变化而形成 暂态 误差。
When NTU ≤ 1 the results are virtually unaffected by the wall longitudinal conduction . This paper alto analyses error for the modified transient technique and gives the amplification factor of the relative error of NTU as a result of temperature measurement uncertainty .
瞬变法是一种有效的不需要测量壁温的 非 稳态试验方法。本文还对这种 瞬变法进行了误差分析,给出了由于测温误差而引起的NTU相对 误差的放大因子。
When current transient wave fluctuates obviously the use of difference instead of differential may cause prodigious error and malfunction .
电流 暂态波形波动较大时,用差分代替微分会造成很大 误差,可能造成保护误动。
It is shown that the error sources of transient speed come from three aspects : angular error sampling error and trigger error .
研究表明 瞬时转速的误差来源主要有3个:角度 误差、量化误差和触发误差。
The Transient Magnetizing Model of Core and the Error Computation for CT
电流互感器铁心的 暂态磁化模型及 误差计算
Ratio-restrained differential protection is a main approach to prevent the mal-operation of the transformer when external faults happen . This protection is influenced by transient error that is caused by the current transducers saturation .
比率制动差动保护是防止外部故障时变压器误动的主要措施,该保护主要受互感器饱和造成的传 变 误差的影响。
This paper tries to conduct a direct inversion of the transient electromagnetic data in which the ramp time effect is considered so that error correction of ramp time effect can be avoided .
为克服因关断时间校正而带来的 误差,尝试直接对包含关断时间效应的 瞬 变电磁资料进行反演。
We suggest error of closure asa criterion of measuring accuracy and use transient root-mean-square error to ex-press repeatability and reliability of measurement of the instrument .
我们提出了闭合误差的概念,作为仪器测量精度的判据,测量仪器的 瞬时均 方差,以表征测量的重复性和可靠性。
Transformer 's transient error analysis about the monitor system of electric power
电力监测系统中的互感器 暂态 误差分析
A digital revision method for eliminating the transient error is proposed firstly in which the modified Euler method is used to resolve the first order differential equations deduced from the CVT model so the computation is small .
文中提出了应用 CVT模型消除这一 误差的数字校正方法。该方法利用改进欧拉法解代表CVT模型的一阶微分方程组,计算量小;
If it is some kind of transient error check whether the administrator can restore the request to the Unprocessed queue so that it will be retried .
如果是 暂时 的 错误,检查管理员是否可以将请求恢复到Unprocessed队列,以待重试。
This method fully considering the feature of each disturbance enhance the accuracy and effectiveness of the evaluation results avoid the intermittent switching and larger transient error caused by the multi-model switching method .
该方法充分考虑到每个扰动的特性,可以更加准确的评估时变扰动控制系统的性能,避免多模型切换方法可能导致的间歇切换以及较大的 暂态 误差对评估结果准确性的影响。
Somewhere down in the depths of the code a transient error occurs .
程式内部深处有个 暂时 的 错误发生了。
Study on the measuring and analysis system of protective current transformer transient error
保护用电流互感器 暂态 误差测量分析系统研究
The central contents are as follows : ( 1 ) The transient pulse test system is studied and made . The systematical error of test system is studied also .
对测试系统进行了研究,设计并制作了 瞬态脉冲无损检测测试系统,并对测试系统的系统 误差进行了分析研究。
An adaptive distance relay based on transient error estimation of CVT
基于电容式电压互感器 暂态 误差估计的自适应距离保护
The optical path difference formed by replacing the cylindrical lens in common photolithography with a cylindrical lens array in lens array photolithography shall stagger the transient image caused by diffraction thus eliminating the diffraction error caused by the gap between the photolithographic template and the etching grating .
透镜阵列光刻法用一个柱面阵列透镜代替常规光刻法中的柱面透镜形成光程差,将由衍射所引起的 瞬 变图形错开,消除由于光刻模板与被刻光栅之间因间隙引起的衍射 误差。
At last the article provides a transient simulation to two kinds of RLC circuits supported by MATLAB and explains why the error can produce in addition it also provides a correct way to solve the problem .
最后借助于MATLAB软件来对两类RLC电路的 过渡 过程进行仿真分析,并对其产生的 错误作出了解释,此外还给出了一种解决方法。
Analyzed measured errors of flywheel transient speed in internal combustion engines theoretically and actually The results showed that the main error of measured flywheel transient speed is angular error which directed to improve the accuracy of flywheel transient speed in internal combustion engines
从理论与实际测量两方面分析了内燃机的飞轮瞬时转速的测量误差结果表明,角度误差是测量飞轮 瞬时转速的主要 误差来源,从而为提高内燃机飞轮瞬时转速的测量精度提供参考
A rapid transient response without overshooting and steady error . ( 2 ) robustness in varying system parameters .
快速、无超调、无 稳态 误差:(2)对系统参数变化具有鲁棒性;
Detection of Transient Signal with Gradual Eliminating Error LMS Adaptive algorithm
用逐级消除 平均 误差的LMS自适应算法检测 瞬态信号
美[ˈtrænʃənt ˈɛrɚ]英[ˈtrænziənt ˈerə]