Different from the conventional splice sites identification there is no transition from coding to non-coding in 5'UTRs so conventional splice sites prediction methods perform poorly in UTRs .
与一般剪接位点不同,5'非翻译区剪接位点的两侧不存在由 编码到非编码的状态 转移,所以通常的剪接位点识别算法在非翻译区的性能不太理想。
Usually there is quick transition between analysis design testing coding and deployment .
一般来说,在分析、设计、测试、 编码和发布之间都会进行快速 切换。
Error Propagation and Table of Code Characters for Transition Coding Method
跃 变 编码的误码扩展和编码字符表
Since the state transition from coding to non-coding is absent the exons and the introns of untranslated regions are all non-coding sequences . The identification of splice sites embedded in UTR is more challenge .
非翻译区剪接位点的两侧不存在 编码到非编码的状态 转移,因为它的内含子和外显子均是非编码的,所以对非翻译区中的剪接位点进行识别较难。