The research achievement has the certain instruction significance to the railway transit construction of our country and has widened the organization mode of railway transit construction but it needs further investigating how to be really used in the theory the railway transit to build practice .
研究成果对我 国轨道 交通建设具有一定的指导意义,拓宽了轨道交通建设的组织模式,但如何将理论真正用于轨道交通建设实践还需要进一步深入研究。
In the last few years the speed of freeway developments is very quick . Highway travelers ' transportation has become an important part of the rapid transit system in our country .
在我 国公路旅客运输因近年来 国内高速公路惊人的建设发展速度,迅速成为 我 国大中 捷运系统中的重要组成部分。
Research on the Planning Method of Public Transit between Town and Country
城乡一体化 进程中城镇 公交规划方法研究
This paper compared the setting the system and the colour of the sign system in the Japanese Taiwan 's Hongkong 's and Shanghai 's urban mass rapid transit and wish it is helpful to the construction of mass rapid transit in our country .
本文对日本、我国台湾、香港地区以及上海的轨道交通标识系统从标识的设置、标识体系、标识的色彩体系等多方面进行了比较,以期能对我 国的轨道 交通建设有所参考。
Like any transit country Ukraine w_147 has the temptation to benefit from its transit position Mr Putin said . Now this exclusive right disappears .
与任何一个 中转 国一样,(乌克兰)强烈希望从其中转地位中受益,普京表示,如今,这种专有权正在消失。
Urban Mass Transit of our country has been in fast development in recent years . Metro Communication system Integration Project starts late but develops rapidly .
现阶段我 国 轨道 交通正处在飞速发展时期,地铁通信系统集成这类项目虽起步较晚但发展迅速。
With the development of the rapid transit on freeway in our country traffic safety as a more and more important problem is attracting the universal attention of the society and the government .
随着我 国公路高速 交通 系统的蓬勃发展,交通安全也成为越来越重要的社会问题,引起了社会和政府普遍关注。
With the rapid developing of rail transit in our country more and more attention has been paid to the great influence brought by the rail transit system on the whole urban space .
随着我 国轨道 交通建设步伐的加快,轨道交通系统对整个城市空间的巨大影响作用正受到愈来愈多的重视。
Finally there are hopes that Tajikistan can reclaim its ancient Silk Road role as a major transit country facilitating trade from China and Afghanistan to Russia and the west .
最后,人们希望,塔吉克斯坦能够重新扮演起其在古代丝绸之路中的角色&作为主要的 中转 国,促进中国和阿富汗与俄罗斯和西方之间的贸易。
At present urban rail transit construction of our country is in a state of high-speed development .
目前,我 国的城市轨道 交通建设正处于高速发展的阶段。
In recent years with the rapid development of intercity rail transit system in our country the existed intercity rail transportation organization methods are no longer suitable for the new network condition .
近年来,随着我 国城际轨道 交通系统的快速发展,既有城际轨道交通的运输组织方法已经不再适用于新的线网条件。
The transit of cement in bulk on Yangtze River is a special new type of transit style that our country policy buoy and support hardly .
长江散装水泥运输是 国家政策积极鼓励和支持的特种新型 运输方式。
The Study of Public Transit Planning between Town and Country of China
我 国城镇公共 交通规划研究
The present transit scheduling level of our country is still in the experience scheduling mode . We can not control the real-time situation of public transport timely .
我 国现阶段 公交调度水平还处于经验调度模式当中,对公交车辆运行过程中的实时情况掌握不及时。
Urban rail transit construction in the country is facing unprecedented opportunities for development will become China s most important cities ever infrastructure projects .
城市轨道 交通的建设,在我 国正面临着前所未有的发展机遇,将成为我国大中城市有史以来最重要的基础设施建设项目。
Rail transit in our country is now in a rapidly construction and development period so the application of supporting block track has a bright future .
目前,我 国轨道 交通正处于快速建设和发展时期,其应用前景十分广阔。
WB to help China transit to high income country .
世界银行欲帮助中国 过渡到高收入 国家。
All duties taxes and other charges well as die costs of carrying out customs formalities payable upon import of die goods and for their transit through any country .
货物进口应交纳的一切关税、税款和其他费用,以及办理海关手续的费用及从他 国 过境的费用。
The seller must pay where applicable the costs of customs formalities necessary for export as well as all duties taxes or other charges payable upon export of the goods and for their transit through any country prior to delivery in accordance with a4 .
卖方必须支付在需要办理海关手续时,货物出口需要办理的海关手续费用,及货物出口时应交纳的一切关税、税款和其他费用,以及按照a4规定交货之前从他 国 过境的费用。
Finally it uses the transit network planning work in Wulian country of Shandong Province as an example introduces this transportation network planning process and gets a satisfactory optimization results .
最后以山东省五莲 县县域 规划 区 公交 线网规划为例,介绍了本文所论述的公交线网规划过程,并得到了较好的 公交 线 网优化结果。
As the rising public transit model the Bus Rapid Transit ( BRT ) was the key to the sustain development of urban transit to our country .
作为新兴的公共交通模式,快速公交对我 国城市 交通的可持续发展至关重要。
With the prosperity and development of national economy the construction of urban rail transit in our country has entered a rapid development stage .
随着国民经济的繁荣发展,我 国城市轨道 交通建设已进入高速发展时期。
For their own interests Scandinavian countries pursue a neutral foreign policy and rejected western army transit through though its country .
斯堪的那维亚国家从自身利益出,对外奉行中立政策,拒绝盟国援助芬兰的军队 过境,限制了西方对 芬兰的援助。
With the deepening Reform and Opening up China is changing from a drug transit country to a consuming country . This affects our economic development and social order seriously .
同时随着改革开放程度的加深,我国逐渐由毒品 转运 国向毒品消费大国发展,严重影响了社会治安和国民经济的发展。
Integrative public transit in city and country should be implemented according to local economic condition and firstly be actualized in cities with little differences between urban and rural residents living .
城乡 公交一体化的实施应当结合当地实际的经济情况,应在 城乡居民生活差异化小的城市先实施。
Public traffic is the main body of the city passenger transit in our country in the future .
公共交通是未来我 国大城市客运 交通结构中的主体。
Through recollecting the development of railway and urban rail transit in our country this article depicts a construction prospect of railway and urban rail transit projects and describes the main reasons affecting investment and the specific measures to control investment .
通过追述我 国铁路和城市轨道交通的发展,展望铁路和城市轨道 交通项目的建设前景,论述其影响投资的主要原因和控制投资的具体措施。
In recent years the urban rail transit has an great development in our country .
近年来,我 国的城市轨道 交通业取得了突飞猛进的发展。
美[ˈtrænsɪt ˈkʌntri]英[ˈtrænsit ˈkʌntri]