transient performance

[ˈtrænʃənt pɚˈfɔrməns][ˈtrænziənt pəˈfɔ:məns]


  • The study on transient performance of intake charge in gasoline engine through multi net method is presented .

    论述了用多重网格法研究多缸内燃机的进气 瞬态 过程

  • The servo-system 's global stability is then proved by using Lyapunov 's direct method and the transient performance is analyzed .

    用Lyapunov直接法对系统的全局稳定性给出了证明,并分析了 系统 暂态 响应

  • In order to study the transient performance of the vortex diode pump the large eddy simulation ( LES ) was employed to simulate the transient flow pattern in the pump .

    为了研究涡流二极管泵的 瞬态 特性,采用大涡模拟的方法对泵的瞬态流动过程进行了数值模拟。

  • Influences of thermostat on engine thermal system transient performance

    节温器对发动机热系统 动态 性能的影响

  • Study on Transient Performance of Digital Controlled Switching Converters

    数字控制开关变换器 瞬态 性能的研究

  • Vector control system of PMSM is simulated by MATLAB / Simulink which is shown good steady and transient performance . Also in order to enhance the capability of vector control system of PMSM an in-depth study of inverter dead-time compensation is carried out .

    采用MATLAB/Simulink仿真工具对永磁同步电动机矢量控制系统进行了仿真,结果表明该系统具备良好的稳态及 瞬态 性能。为了提高永磁同步电动机矢量控制系统的性能,作者对逆变器死区补偿展开了深入研究。

  • Transient Performance Analysis for Aeronautic Power Supply Based on Finite Element Coupling Model

    有限元耦合模型在航空电源 瞬态 特性中的研究

  • Also in order to improve the transient performance target a PD controller used to adjust the control signal is added based on the former decoupling controller .

    接着,为了提高 系统 响应 瞬态 性能指标,在原先解耦控制器的基础上又增加了PD控制器对控制信号进行调整。

  • Study is also carried out on the stability of doubly-fed generator with stator voltage oriented vector control as well as the the influence of the electrical parameters on the system transient performance .

    文章还研究了基于定子电压定向双馈矢量控制的稳定性,考察了系统电气参数对系统 瞬态 性能的影响。

  • Transient Performance Test and Dynamics Analysis of Secondary Flow in Turbine Vane Cascade

    透平叶栅二次流 瞬态 特性试验及动力学分析

  • The paper sets up simulation equations of static and transient performance of induction motor with solid rotor by using the state - variable method and the coordinate transformation theory and considers the influence of the rotor parameters of variation with rotor speed on motor transient performance .

    运用状态变量法和坐标变换理论建立了实心转子异步电动机的稳态和 动态 特性仿真模型,并考虑了随转速而变化的实心转子参数对动态特性的影响。

  • Robust Adaptive Tracking Control of Robot Manipulators with Clear Transient Performance

    具有清晰 暂态 性能的机器人鲁棒自适应跟踪控制

  • The parameters of b-GPC are designed according to the opened-loop pole closed-loop pole and closed-loop system frequency characteristics . Applied in the control system of intermediate frequency power supply the method appears satisfactory in stability and transient performance .

    通过计算系统开环和闭环极点,分析闭环系统频率特性,设计b-GPC的参数,应用于中频电源控制系统中取得了满意的稳定性和 暂态 特性

  • The simulation results of a turbofan engine show that the proposed method can effectively reduce the coupling influence of each control loop and assure satisfactory transient performance . It can be successfully applied to decoupling of aeroengine control system .

    仿真表明,该方法在保证控制系统良好的 动态 稳态 性能的同时,有效地减小了各回路之间的耦合影响,能够成功应用于发动机控制系统的解耦。

  • It also carries out simulation analysis and comparison of the steady-state performance and transient performance in ip-iq method and self-adaptive detection through structuring simulation model .

    通过搭建仿真模型,对ip-iq法和自适应检测法的稳态性能和 暂态 性能进行分析与比较。

  • In this paper the transient performance of a 128 liter household freezer is investi-gated with numerical and experimental methods .

    对一台 128L家用冷柜进行了 动态 运行模拟和实验研究。

  • Time Delay Effect on Transient Performance of Digital Peak Voltage Controlled Switching Converter

    环路延时对数字峰值电压控制开关变换器 瞬态 性能的影响

  • Transient performance evaluation of high-speed packet-switched networks is one important issue in the field of high-speed information networks .

    高速分组网 瞬态 性能评价是高速信息网研究中的重要问题之一。

  • The designed system of this method is superior to the conventional third-order optimum system in the transient performance and possesses practical value .

    该方法设计的系统优于常规三阶最佳系统的 暂态 性能,具有一定的实用价值。

  • Large Eddy Simulation on Transient Performance in Vortex Diode Pump

    涡流二极管泵内部 流动 瞬态 特性的大涡模拟

  • The transient performance after a moment accords with the performance under quasi - steady assumption .

    转速 到达 最大前的 瞬态 过程中,后阶段的性能与基于准稳态假设的结果基本吻合;

  • In the design of the controller a so-called composite nonlinear feedback ( CNF ) control technology is adopted which can improve the transient performance and achieve fast response and low overshoot at the same time .

    在控制设计中,采用一种复合非线性反馈(CNF)控制技术,以提高控制系统的 瞬态 性能,达到快速的响应和低超调;

  • Requirements for protective current transformers for transient performance

    GB16847-1997保护用电流互感器 暂态 特性技术要求

  • This paper describes a method of the time-domain 's computer aided design of active series compensator . The designed system using the method possesses a good steady-state and transient performance .

    本文介绍有源串联校正器的时域的计算机辅助设计方法,该法设计的系统有良好的稳态和 暂态 性能

  • The pattern of flow streamlines is same to Archimedes lines . Large Eddy Simulation on Transient Performance in Vortex Diode Pump

    涡流管内三维流线形态类似阿基米德曲线。涡流二极管泵内部流动 瞬态 特性的大涡模拟

  • The simulation results show that the algorithms enhance the transient performance and increase robustness against uncertainty and improve networks utilization and realize fairness of bandwidth allocation in steady state .

    最后,仿真研究结果表明,本文所提算法在性能上优于已有算法:改善了 系统 暂态 性能,增强了对不确定性的鲁棒性,提高了网络利用率,实现了带宽分配的公平性。

  • A robust adaptive tracking controller : stability and transient performance

    一种鲁棒的自适应跟踪控制器:稳定性和 瞬态 性能

  • This paper presents an efficient algorithm for calculating the transient performance of a power network containing ferromagnetic elements .

    本文介绍含多个铁磁元件电力网络的 暂态计算方法。

  • The reliable mathematical model is provided for intelligent control of transient performance of the equipment .

    该方法为 惯性 振动设备 瞬态 过程的智能控制提供了可靠的数学模型。

  • Therefore researching on the transient performance of grid-connected wind generation system under grid fault has an important meaning .

    因此,研究电网故障下的并网风力发电机组 暂态 特性具有重要的意义,是推动风力发电技术进步的关键环节。