transition card

[trænˈzɪʃən kɑrd][trænˈziʃən kɑ:d]


  • Specifically the transition from one management model to another is jump - or spiral - style . ( 3 ) Based on the principle of Balance Score Card ( BSC ) a process analysis model is put forward for the strategic management in high-tech enterprises .

    基于平衡计分 BSC)的原理提出了高技术企业战略管理的过程分析模型。

  • In the diagram a thick blue arrow stands for page transition a black arrow stands for card invocation and an orange dotted arrow stands for field reference .

    在图中,蓝色的宽箭头表示页面 转换,黑色箭头表示 卡片调用,而桔红色虚线箭头则表示字段引用。

  • The implementation of the key signals and the result of its numerical simulation as well as the process of the state transition of the card are given .

    给出了关键信号的实现及仿真结果和 发送 的工作状态 转移过程。

  • This new system uses digital I / O card and high speed A / D transition card to decrease the switch time of measured signal and to improve system performance .

    采用并行 采集的方法可以减少测量信号的 切换次数,进而提高系统工作速度。

  • The serial data-acquisition ERT system is designed with interface card and A / D transition card . Basing on the analysis of real-time performance of ERT system the scheme of parallel data-acquisition system has been proposed .

    利用数字接口板与A/D 转换 实现串行采集的ERT系统,在对系统实时性影响因素分析的基础上,提出了基于数字I/O卡与高速并行A/D转换 的并行采集系统的设计方案。