transfusion reaction

[trænsˈfjuʒən riˈækʃən][trænsˈfju:ʒən riˈækʃən]


  • Conclusions This alloantibody is a specific anti-Mur antibody and it can cause the hemolytic transfusion reaction .

    结论该例同种抗体为特异性抗Mur抗体,在临床会引起溶血性 输血 反应

  • Serum ; Irregular antibody ; Hemolytic transfusion reaction .

    血清;不规则抗体;溶血性 输血 反应

  • But heterogenous blood transfusion always has difficulties of blood supply and transportation and it may bring blood transfusion reaction and infectious diseases . This influences the curative effect on war injury hemorrhagic shock .

    而异体血液始终存在着血液供应与运输上的困难和 异体输血有可能带来的 异体 输血 反应、血源性疾病传报等问题,这些都影响着对战伤失血性休克的救治效果。

  • In order to study the factors for non hemolytic transfusion reaction 510 case time transfusion was investigated .

    为探讨非溶血性 输血 反应的影响因素,对510例次输血进行了调查。

  • Objective To decrease the occurrence of transfusion reaction .

    目的通过实验 探讨 输液 反应发生的原因。

  • Objective To study whether it is necessary to use promethazine to prevent non-hemolytic transfusion reaction .

    目的探讨使用非那根预防非溶血性 输血 反应是否必要。

  • Objective In order to decrease or avoid hemolytic transfusion reaction to screen irregular antibodies .

    目的对 输血 患者进行不规则抗体的筛查,降低和避免溶血性 输血 反应 发生

  • Analysis of anti-Jk ~ a induced hemolytic transfusion reaction

    抗-Jk~a致溶血性 输血 反应结果分析

  • Objective To compare relative parameters and clinical transfusion reaction of donors blood with filtered whole blood .

    目的研究白细胞过滤器过滤前后,供者血液有关参数的变化及临床 输血 反应的比较。

  • Comprehension of pharmacist participating in clinical medication from consulting a case of transfusion reaction

    从会诊一例“ 输液 反应”谈药师参与临床用药

  • Objective : To detect irregular antibodies in the serum samples of patients who had a history of blood transfusion or pregnancy in order to decrease or avoid hemolytic transfusion reaction .

    目的:检查有输血史或妊娠史的患者血清(浆)中不规则抗体,以减少或杜绝溶血性 输血 反应的发生。

  • As a result it improves the nurse 's working efficiency reduces the transfusion reaction and brings the human service into high-tech ordinance .

    经过二年多的实践,结果,提高了临床护士的工作效率,减少了 输液 反应,把护士更多的时间还给病人,把高科技配置注入了人性化服务。

  • No hemolytic transfusion reaction occurred in patients with isoantibody after infusion of blood with corresponding antigen negative .

    对有同种抗体的患者输入相应抗原阴性的红细胞后,患者未发生溶血性 输血 反应

  • Objective To detect irregular antibodies in serum samples of clinical patients in order to decrease or avoid hemolytic transfusion reaction .

    目的通过对临床 申请输血患者不完全抗体的检测,以减少或杜绝溶血性 输血 反应 发生

  • Such a reaction called a hemolytic transfusion reaction can lead to a drop in blood pressure bleeding or kidney damage which may be life-threatening .

    这种反应被称为溶血性 输血 反应,可导致血压下降、出血或者肾损伤而危及生命。

  • Methods Statistical study was given to the transfusion reaction in 5608 cases receiving blood transfusion therapy .

    方法对5608例输血患者的 输血 反应率进行统计。

  • Results Blood transfusion reaction do not happen after transfused RH ( - ) freezing red blood cell .

    结果输注RH(-)冷冻RBC制品无一 输血 反应发生。

  • Conclusion Leukocyte removal filter can effectively deplete the leukocytes in blood its application may be useful to reduce non-hemolytic blood transfusion reaction .

    结论:白细胞滤器能有效去除白细胞,去除白细胞能减少非溶血性 输血 反应

  • Investigation and control of transfusion reaction

    输液 反应的调查与控制

  • In-depth Analysis of Blood Group Test and Transfusion Reaction Examination Evaluation of Determination Results from 3 Kinds of Hematology Analyzers

    血型检测与 输血 反应检查的深入分析三种血细胞分析仪检测结果比较分析

  • Experience on injection Anisodamine rescue of 28 cases with transfusion reaction

    注射用山莨菪碱抢救 输液 反应28例体会

  • Objective The effect of white blood cell filtrator was observed to prevent transfusion reaction .

    目的观察白细胞过滤器预防 输血 反应的效果。

  • Conclusion : Irregular antibody test can decrease or avoid hemolytic transfusion reaction and guarantee the security of transfusion .

    结论:不规则抗体检查能有效地降低或避免溶血性 反应 发生,保证 输血的安全。

  • The analysis of the reasons for clinical transfusion reaction

    临床 输液 反应原因分析

  • Decreasing Transfusion Reaction by Filtering out White Blood Cells

    滤除白细胞对降低 输血 反应 临床 意义

  • Strengthening management of nosocomial infection to decrease the occurrence of transfusion reaction

    加强医院感染管理,减少 临床 输液 反应的研究

  • Tachypleus Amebocyte Lysate Test Using in Transfusion Reaction

    鲎试验检测方法在 输液 反应中的应用

  • Activities of Dexamethasone and Diprazine Against Nonhemolytic Transfusion Reaction

    地塞米松和异丙嗪预防非溶血性 输血 反应的观察

  • In the past it is an orthodox way to improve the anemia by blood transfusion . But mang questions curse patient they are high expense poor effect lack of blood infection transfusion reaction immune suppression and so on .

    过去,改善贫血的传统办法是输血,但是费用高、效果差、血源缺乏,以及由其带来的感染、 输血 反应及免疫抑制等问题给患者带来了较大的困扰。

  • Study on the Factors for Non - hemolytic Transfusion Reaction

    非溶血性 输血 反应的影响因素分析