The originator violating the preceding provision and causing the acquirer or transferee of the asset-backed securities shall be liable to compensate for such damage .
创始机构违反前项规定,对于资产基础证券取得人或 受让 人因而所受之损害,应负赔偿责任。
Because of the indeterminacy of our legal system the bona fide transferee 's interests were in a poor state of being neglected or excluded for long time .
我国立法的不统一不协调,导致赃物善意 受让 人的利益保护长期处于被忽视被排斥的尴尬境域。
Ad valorem stamp duty is payable by the transferor ( s ) and the transferee ( s ) if this form is completed .
如已填妥本表格,转让人及 承让 人须缴纳从价印花税。
The transferor and the transferee after arriving at the intention to make a deal shall enter into a contract of property rights transaction which shall be signed and sealed .
出让方和 受让方达成成交意向后,应当签订产权交易合同,并签字、盖章。
The transferee is called the second beneficiary .
受让 人称为第二受益人。
The transferee must see to it that the quality of the product is maintained .
接受 转让一 方要负责保持产品的质量。
However except in cases where there is additional agreement ( the owner ) may not provide to any third party the revised document without the agreement of the software copyright holder or his legal transferee .
但除另有协议外,未经该软件著作权人或者其合法 受让者的同意,不得向任何第三方提供修改后的文本。
The transfer of the beneficial securities shall not be held valid against any third party unless the name or title of the transferee has been recorded on the beneficial securities .
受益证券之转让,非将 受让 人之姓名或名称记载于该受益证券,不得对抗第三人。
He 's a transferee from seoul .
他是从 首尔来的 转 学生。
Party A shall also be liable to compensate any loss damage cost or expense in case Party B 's interests herein are affected or prejudiced by such transferee or third party .
如乙方于本合同下的权益受 此等 所有权 人或第三者影响或损害,甲方须负责补偿乙方的所有损失、损害、支出及费用。
If the enterprise defaults and loses the right to redeem the guaranty it shall stop recognizing the guaranty and the transferee shall recognize the guaranty as an asset according to its fair value .
企业违约,丧失了赎回担保物权利的,应当终止确认该担保物; 转入 方应当按照公允价值将该担保物确认为一项资产。
Donation means that the transferor transfers land use right gratis to the transferee .
赠与是指转让人将土地使用权无偿转移给 受让 人 的 行为。
If a state-owned one-man company acts as a transferor ( transferee ) the gratuitous transfer shall be deliberated by the board of directors .
国有一人公司作为划入方( 划出 方)的,无偿划转事项由董事会审议;
Difficulties and Solutions in Interests Protection For Bona Fide Transferee of Thievery
赃物善意 受让 人利益保护的困境与出路
During the software copyright 's term of protection the software copyright holder or his transferee may authorize others to implement the right of use Article 9 Item 3 of these regulations .
第十八条在软件著作权的保护期内,软件的著作权人或者其 受让者有权许可他人行使本条例第九条第(三)项规定的使用权。
The transferor and the transferee shall be accountable for the completeness and truthfulness of the material for property rights transaction both of them furnished .
出让方、 受让 方对其提供的产权交易材料的完整性、真实性负责。
Other matters stipulated by the transferor and the transferee .
出让方和 受让 方约定的其他事项。
Article 141 The transfer of an unregistered stock becomes valid as soon as the stockholder delivers the stock to the transferee .
第一百四十一条无记名股票的转让,由股东将该股票交付给 受让 人后 即 发生 转让 的 效力。
Upon a transfer all or part of either party 's share of the registered capital of the JV company the transferee thereof shall assume the corresponding obligations and responsibilities of the transferring party as stipulated in this contract .
任何一方对合营公司注册资本的全部或部分出资转让后, 受让 方应承担本合同规定的出让方的相应义务和责任。
The transferee under a patent licensing contract shall exploit the patent in accordance with the contract and may not license the patent to any third person except as provided in the contract ; and shall pay the licensing fee in accordance with the contract .
第 三百四十六条专利实施许可合同的 受让 人应当按照约定实施专利,不得许可约定以外的第三人实施该专利;并按照约定支付使用费。
14.The transfer of a right requires the will of the recipient as well as of the transferee .
权利的 转让既要求有接受者的意思,也要求有转让者的 意志。
Effecting the licensing or transfer of software to a third party without the permission of the software copyright owner or his legal transferee .
(八)未经软件著作权人或者其合法 受让者的同意向任何第三方 办理其软件的许可使用或者转让 事宜。
In one month subsequent to the complete of the transfer of shares stock exchanges and the sd & c shall not accept the application submitted by the transferee for the registration of shares transfer unless otherwise prescribed in laws or regulations .
股份过户完成后一个月内,证券交易所和结算公司不受理同一股份受让 人就其所 受让的相同股份 再次进行转让的申请;但法律法规等另有规定的除外。
New credit support the collateral that the provider transfers to the transferee to initiate an exchange for the original credit support .
新信用支持:指提供人为了实现与原信用支持的交换而向 受让 人转让的担保品。
A bill is negotiated when it is transferred from one person to another in such a manner as to constitute the transferee the holder of the bill . We propose to pay by Bill of Exchange at 30 d / s documents agaist acceptance .
如汇票由一人转让与另一 人, 以致 承让 人成为该汇票之执票人时,该汇票即属流通转让。我们建议以见票30天付款的汇票承兑交单方式付款。
After release of listed information on property rights transactions where there is only one person with the intention to be the transferee the mode of transfer by agreement may be adopted ;
产权交易信息挂牌发布后,只有一个 受让意向人的,可以采取协议转让的方式;
The transferee must ensure the quality of the product .
受让 方要确保产品的质量。
And the transferor company shall thereupon register the transferee company as the holder of those shares ; but no instrument of transfer shall be required for any share for which a share warrant is for the time being outstanding .
而出让人公司须随即将 受让 人公司登记为该等股份的持有人;但当其时未行使认购权的认股权证关于的股份,则不需要转让文书。
Name and domicile of the transferor and the transferee ;
出让方和 受让 方的名称、住所;
Subsection ( 1 ) shall not apply where the Government is the transferee .
如 承转 人是政府,则第(1)款不适用。