transition condition

[trænˈzɪʃən kənˈdɪʃən][trænˈziʃən kənˈdiʃən]


  • Accordingly the intellectual transition becomes the important condition for the survival of knowledge .

    所以,知识 转化是知识存在的重要 条件

  • The transition from war condition between human and nature and of human being themselves to eternal peace is an effective means to get rid of human cultural dilemma .

    要摆脱人类文化的 困境,必须从人与自然以及人与人的战争 状态转向永久和平。

  • It places emphasis on the necessity of creating learning environment via analysis of the transition condition and factor of science conception .

    通过分析科学概念的 转变 条件和因素表明创设学习环境的必要性。

  • The ice force with wedged beam-type failure is an increasing function of size ratio k_1.This predicts that a maximum ice force will take place under the transition condition .

    楔梁型破坏冰力是k1的增函数.这预示着最大冰力将在两种破坏模式 过渡 出现。

  • In the Attribute Petri Net the start rule of transition and calculation of place marking are different from traditional Petri Nets . Therefore we redefined APN transition fired condition reachability marking set the incidence matrix and status equation .

    在属性Petri网中,变迁的启动规则以及库所标识的计算都有别于传统的Petri网,因此,本文重新定义了APN的 变迁点火 条件、可达标识集、关联矩阵和状态方程。

  • Administrators can now provide transition condition values for outgoing links of an activity to force the process down the chosen branch .

    管理员现在可以为活动的传出链接提供 转换 条件值,以迫使流程沿着所选的分支运行。

  • By means of contragradient transformation a method of constructing transition element satisfying the condition is presented .

    利用逆步变换的概念,提出了构造能够满足该 条件 过渡单元的方法。

  • Study of the C → A transition excimer laser threshold condition

    C→A 跃迁准分子激光阈值 条件的研究

  • Using this model Freedericksz transition with weak anchoring condition is studied .

    采用该模型研究了弱锚定 条件 的Freedericksz 转变

  • Some problems about the transition from time maintenance to condition based maintenance are discussed .

    探讨了 电气设备 状态维修的 实现问题。

  • Numerical Simulation of the Temperature Field under the Transition Condition in an Aero Engine Combustor

    航空发动机燃烧室 过渡 温度场数值研究

  • EDTA is helpful to remove transition metal ions in acid condition .

    在酸性 条件 添加EDTA仍能有效去除 过渡金属离子;

  • Orderly transition of responsibilities is a condition for the long-range prosperity of a family business .

    有条不紊的职责 交接是家庭企业长期繁荣的一个 条件

  • Each link may be associated with a transition condition which is a Boolean expression using values in the different containers of the process .

    每个link可与一个 转变 条件相关联,这个 条件是使用流程的不同容器中的值的布尔表达式。

  • It is not easy for shock tube experiments to detect very weak contact discontinuities when studying the Mach reflection occurred after a weak shock colliding on a symmetric wedge also difficult to catch the transition condition between Mach reflection and regular reflection .

    在研究弱入射激波遇到对称楔以后的马赫反射现象时,激波管实验不易测出很弱的接触间断,也不易捕捉到马赫反射与正规反射 转换 条件

  • Heat transfer analysis of plane freeze phase transition on double-convection condition

    两侧对流 条件下平面冻结凝固 相变换热分析

  • In this process the background of economic institutional transition is one significant constraint condition .

    在这一过程中,经济 转轨的体制背景是一个具有重要影响的约束 条件

  • A transition condition is a true or false statement that the processor may use to determine the current state of any particular activity .

    转移 条件就是一条是或者否的语句,处理器借以判定任何一个特定活动的当前状态。

  • The ultra-high energy heavy-ion experiments are the main ways to study QGP phase transition at the controlled condition .

    超高能核&核碰撞实验是我们在可控制 条件 研究QGP 相变的主要手段。

  • By analyzing the calculation results and combining with the results of engine transition condition tests the temperature field characters of transition condition are well investigated .

    通过对计算结果的分析并结合发动机 过渡 试验结果,充分研究了燃烧室过渡态温度场的特性。

  • This topic is combined with the National Natural Science Fund Project Semi-Active Control devices and technology research for the Transition Condition Engines Exhaust Noise . The shortcoming of the existing mufflers is that the low-frequency exhaust noise of internal combustion engine can not be faultlessly control .

    课题结合国家自然科学基金项目《发动机 过渡 工况排气噪声半主动控制装置与技术研究》,针对现有消声器对内燃机低频排气噪声控制不足的缺点,提出了专门用于内燃机非稳态排气噪声控制的半主动消声器。

  • When the business process is carried out a particular link is followed when the associated transition condition evaluates to true .

    当业务流程被执行时,如果关联的 转变 条件被判断为真的,那么将使用某个链接。

  • Again all of the conditions for transitions that can be caused by this operation are check but this time the transition associated with the Approve condition is taken .

    将再次检查能够由此操作导致的所有转换条件,但这次接受与Approve 条件关联的 转换

  • When the feedback components for transition condition breaks down and the count data reaches the set value it will transfer to fault alarming steps and display fault alarm information through touch panel .

    若提供 转换 条件的反馈元件出现故障,监控定时器的定时时间到时,将转换到故障报警步,通过触摸屏发出故障报警信号。

  • Finally the differential analysis of samples is proceeded to research the themal flux and weight variation and phase transition condition under the temperature between 20 and 1400 degree Centigrade .

    最后对各陶瓷试样进行差热分析,研究它们在20℃~1400℃范围内各温度下的热流量和重量变化及 相变 情况

  • Based on the discussion of discharge mechanism of SF 6 gas stressed by very fast transient overvoltages the transition condition from the streamer to leader is introduced and the discharge process is described .

    本文对快速暂态电压作用下SF6气体放电机理进行了探讨,给出了放电由流注向先导 转变 条件及过程。

  • Some are lack of consideration on the special reform background of Chinese electric power industry under transition economy condition .

    有的则是缺乏考虑 转轨经济 条件下中国电力产业特殊的改革背景。

  • Lastly we discuss the energy-band structure of ultracold atoms in optical lattice by means of Green function method and in addition procure the superfluid-Mott phase transition condition in mean-field approximation which is in agreement with the result in the literature .

    最后利用格林函数方法讨论了光格子中超冷原子的能带结构,根据Mott相存在能隙的判据我们在平均场近似下重新得到superfluid-Mott 相变 条件,该结论与相关文献一致。

  • Seventhly negative impact of market economy during the period of social transition is the social condition of PE teachers'misconduct .

    第七,社会 转型期市场经济的负面冲击是体育教师行为失范的社会 条件

  • The second mode waves do play a dominant role in the transition of boundary layers with isothermal wall while the first mode waves would dominate the transition if the wall temperature condition is adiabatic .

    第二模态波的确对 等温边界层的转捩起主导作用,但对绝热边界层而言,反而是第一模态对 转捩起主导作用。