track address

[træk əˈdrɛs][træk əˈdres]


  • The sessions in this track address solutions to manage the complexity of developing and testing mobile applications in an agile team environment .

    关于该 主题的会议提供了 解决方案来管理在一个敏捷团队环境中开发和测试移动应用程序的复杂性。

  • Second the cost system of regular meetings on a regular basis System and the site office will track the management system will cost fell to the real office and to address the cost of tracking and managing the timeliness issue .

    二是定期造价例会制度体系的建立及现场办公会体系将造价 跟踪管理工作落到了实处,并 解决了造价跟踪管理的及时性问题。

  • An address written on a direct access volume denoting a track 's address relative to the beginning of the volume .

    记录在直接存取盘卷上的地址,表明相对于盘卷始址的一个 磁道 地址

  • And finally see if I can track an IP address .

    最后,我们看下是否可以 跟踪IP 地址

  • Application and Research of Interference SAR on Terrain Contour Matching Guidance Mismatch between the floppy disk sector ID field and the floppy disk controller track address .

    干涉测高技术在地形匹配制导中的应用研究软盘扇区id字符域与软盘控制器 磁道 地址不匹配。

  • Mismatch between the floppy disk sector ID field and the floppy disk controller track address .

    软盘扇区id字符域与软盘控制器 磁道 地址不匹配。

  • If you choose to track an error report the report is associated with your e-mail address and is no longer anonymous .

    如果您选择 跟踪错误报告,则该报告便与您的电子邮件 地址进行关联并且不再是匿名的。

  • Logic track address register

    逻辑 磁道 地址寄存器

  • Track current address register

    磁道现行 地址寄存器

  • Evidence-based measures that help development stakeholders track the quality of institutions support capacity building improve governance and address corruption .

    这是《全球治理指标》第六次更新,包含十年来采集的实际测量数据,用以协助发展利益相关方 了解机构的素质,支持能力建设,改善治理状况, 减少腐败现象。

  • I 'll create a GUI interface using Visual Basic see if I can track an IP address .

    我用VB创建一个图形用户界面,试试能不能 跟踪IP 地址

  • Because of this it can be very difficult to keep track of your current IP address .

    正因为如此,它可以是非常困难的 跟踪您当前的IP 地址