

v.旅行( travel的过去式和过去分词 )走遍


  • They travelled nationwide ( or all over the country ) .

    他们 全国各地 旅行

  • She travelled 14 miles by sledge across Siberia to Kamchatka .

    雪橇穿越西伯利亚到达了堪察加半岛, 行程共1.4万英里。

  • I thought this is why I 've travelled thousands of miles

    我想,这就是我为何 不远千里 赶来的原因。

  • They travelled happily homewards .

    他们 高高兴兴地往家赶。

  • Because we travelled so much Sam and I asked a broker to act on our behalf .

    由于我们 经常 游历在外,我和萨姆便请了一位经纪人代表我们处理事务。

  • I have travelled a great deal of Europe .

    游历了欧洲的许多 地方

  • We travelled to Paris by Dover and Calais .

    我们经多佛和加来而 巴黎。

  • Dr Ryan travelled the world gathering material for his book

    瑞安博士 周游世界为他的书搜集资料。

  • Have I travelled in that country ?

    那些国家 旅行了吗?

  • They travelled to Portsmouth where they embarked on the battle cruiser HMS Renown

    他们 行至朴次茅斯,在那里登上了英国皇家海军“声望号”战列巡洋舰。

  • Tens of thousands of men year after year have travelled southwards to find work .

    每年有数万人 南方去找工作。

  • I have travelled all over the world and I have watched .

    走遍 整个世界,我观察了。

  • During the day they travelled swiftly at night they pitched their tents .

    他们白天 滑雪速行,夜晚安营扎寨。

  • These camels travelled enormous distance over the desert regions .

    这些骆驼在沙漠里 长途跋涉

  • Together he and Murray have travelled to America and some European countries .

    它和 Murray一起 游览了美国和部分欧洲国家。

  • I have walked all day long and I have travelled twelve leagues .

    我走了一整天,我 十二法里。

  • Armed only with a BBC microphone I travelled across South Africa meeting writers .

    仅仅凭借着一支英国广播公司的话筒,我 走遍 南非,会见了许多作家。

  • He travelled by tube .

    地铁 旅行

  • Amongst those who have travelled furthest to take part in the Festival are a group from Northern Ireland .

    在那些 不远万里 赶来参加节日活动的人中有一群来自北爱尔兰。

  • She has travelled the length and breadth of Britain .


  • He travelled around West Africa trying to muster support for his movement

    他在西非 四处奔走,为自己的运动争取支持。

  • As we travelled together we started to grow apart .

    我们在一起 旅行的时候,互相之间产生了隔阂。

  • She travelled to India after taking her A levels .

    她参加完 高等程度 考试后去印度 旅行了。

  • He has travelled throughout all over w_393 Europe .

    他已 全欧洲。

  • Granny travelled down by train

    奶奶是 火车过来的。

  • My brothers and I have travelled far from canaan .

    我和我的兄弟们 遥远的迦南来。

  • He travelled a great deal by coach .

    马车 过不少 旅行

  • We have travelled a tortuous road .

    我们 走过 曲折的道路。

  • They travelled far from home .

    他们离家 远游