However not all the countries that have signed the treaty have fulfilled this obligation .
然而并不是所有签署了这 项 协约的国家已经完全履行了这一 义务。
Even prior to acceding to the treaty China undertook to fulfill the obligations stipulated by the IAEA Statute including the obligation to apply IAEA safeguard .
中国在加入该 条约之前即承诺履行该机构规约的义务,包括保障监督的 义务。
The priority of lease is expective right and right of claim with forceful treaty obligation it is subordinate and public policy .
优先承租权是期待权、附强制 缔约 义务的请求权,具有从属性和公共政策性。
The question of war in the Baltic states does not arise she told Die Welt am Sonntag newspaper . Nevertheless Article 5 of the Nato treaty that is the obligation of mutual support applies to all allies .
她向德国《周日世界报》(DieWeltamSonntag)表示:波罗的海国家并未出现战争问题,然而,北约(Nato) 协定第5条款适用于所有盟国,即各 成员国 负有相互支持的 义务。
Paragraph or section in a legal document ( eg a will contract or treaty ) stating a particular obligation condition etc
(在法律文件如遗嘱、合同或 条约中,陈述具体 义务、条件等的)段落或章节;条款
WTO Member Has No Treaty Obligation to Prevent and Avoid Dumping
WTO成员并未 承担防止和避免倾销的 条约 义务
As a party to the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty this is our obligation and its one that I take very seriously .
作为《不扩散核武器 条约 》(NuclearNonproliferation Treaty)的缔约国,这是我们的 义务,是一个我非常认真地对待的 义务。
Application of international treaty in the country shall be explained in a broad sense and its nature is implementation of the treaty and the obligation and responsibility under the rules of WTO .
对于国际条约在我国审判工作中的适用应当从广义上进行解释,其本质就是我国履行 条约及WTO相关规则下的 义务和责任;
A state should act in accordance with good faith including mainly the fulfillment of treaty obligation in good faith and the prohibition of abuse of right .
国家的行为应当凭善意而为,主要包括善意履行 条约 义务,并不得滥用权利。
美[ˈtriti ˌɑblɪˈɡeʃən]英[ˈtri:ti ˌɔbliˈɡeiʃən]