tree and directory

[tri ənd dɪˈrɛktəri][tri: ænd diˈrektəri]


  • The script compiles code from the grails-app tree and combines it with code from the base Grails ( $ GRAILS_HOME ) directory .

    该脚本编译grails-app 中的代码 并且将其与基本Grails($GRAILSHOME) 目录中的代码组合在一起。

  • A UCM component is simply a directory tree made up of files and directories that has one component root directory .

    一个UCM构件简单来说,是一个由同一个构件根 目录下的文件 目录组成的目录

  • Imagine a scenario in which you want to traverse a directory tree recursively stopping at each file and directory under that tree and having your own callback methods invoked for each entry found .

    设想一个场景,您想要递归地访问一个目录 ,在该树中的每个文件 目录上停下来,并为每个查找到的条目调用您自己的回调方法。

  • The basic application of separation widow type and tree view type provided by use of VISUAL C + + 6.0 in implementing system hypertext interface and visualization directory guide is mainly discussed also implementation method and implementation procedure are given .

    主要探讨了利用Visualc++6.0提供的分离窗口类和 视图类,在实现超文本系统的界面 可视化 目录导航中的基本应用,并给出了实现方法和实现过程。