


  • In the study on the relationship between creative treason and fidelity creative treason from being treasonous to a way to reach fidelity its positive effect has been gradually acknowledged . Yet it has not completely cast off the orientation as treason .

    在与忠实的关系研究中,创造性叛逆的定位从 叛逆到实现忠实的手段 表明其积极作用逐步得到了肯定,但仍未能完全摆脱叛逆的身份。

  • The present study on creative treason is generally conducted from the perspectives of Comparative Literature and Comparative Culture which mainly emphasizes the treasonous phenomenon in the translated text that reflects communication interaction influence and spread between different literatures and cultures .

    当前对创造性叛逆的研究往往是从比较文学和比较文化的角度入手的,侧重的是译作中的 叛逆现象, 关注的是不同文学和文化之间相互交流、影响、接受和传播等问题。

  • Based on the modern philosophical hermeneutics this paper expounds the reasons causing treasonous phenomena from the perspective of the translator himself and the significance of admitting it .

    根据现代阐释学理论,从译者自身出发,探讨 叛逆现象的原因和承认其重要性具有一定的现实意义。

  • Translator and Treasonous Phenomena

    译者和 叛逆现象

  • Political purpose as his springboard training fighters for the reform movement as desirability Kang introduced west political theory into china industriously and cultivated a block of modern intellectuals who had treasonous spirit .

    康氏以政治目的为出发点,抱着培养维新变法斗士的愿望, 大力传播西方政治思想,培养了一批具有 叛逆精神的近代知识分子。

  • By shifting the focus from treasonous phenomenon to creative activity the author first reinterprets creative treason as a translating activity .

    首先,作者着眼于 叛逆现象背后的创造性行为,重新解释了创造性叛逆。

  • Treasonous Phenomena in Translation

    翻译中的 叛逆现象

  • This week he accused Ben Bernanke chairman of the Federal Reserve of devising an almost treasonous plan to debase the dollar a common concern among tea-party types .

    这星期他控告美联储的主席本 南柯以一个基本 不忠的计划使美元贬值,这在茶话会上是一个普遍的担忧。

  • This note provides a general survey of the differences among languages and thus the treasonous phenomena in literary translation .

    汉英语言语音的不同、 字形的不同、词汇的不同、句法的不同和 修辞 不同英汉文学翻译带来了 叛逆现象。

  • His speech was a treasonous one .

    他的言论是 叛国的。

  • The strong treasonous spirit makes it impossible for Deconstructive Architecture to be the mainstream of architecture evolution .

    进一步 指出,解构主义建筑表现出的强烈 反叛精神,使其不能成为建筑发展方向中的主流。