The example about tread formulation showed that the application of this method to rubber compounding was suitable .
轮胎 胎 面 胶配方实例表明,此方法可较好地解决多 性能指标的 橡胶配方综合评价问题。
The performance of rubber determinates the performance of tire which are affected most by tread rubber .
轮胎整体性能主要由橡胶性能决定,其中 胎 面 胶对 橡胶性能影响最大。
Comparison on properties of styrene-butadiene rubbers for tread rubber
丁苯橡胶 胎 面 胶性能比较
Integral Rubber SIBR a Kind of New Tread Rubber
新型 胎 面 胶&集成橡胶SIBR
The test results showed that the wear resistance of tire tread improved and the compound cost reduced by changing the rubber type filler system and curing system .
试验结果表明,通过调整 生胶品种、补强体系和硫化体系等,可以改善 胎 面 胶的耐磨性能,降低胶料成本。
All test properties of nylon tread rubber and sidewall rubber using this wax in room condition met the specification of DOT A grade .
用该产品试制的尼龙 轮胎 胎 面 胶和胎侧胶,其室内性能全部达到美国运输部(DOT) 轮胎安全标准A级水平;
Influence of polyester short fiber content on properties of natural rubber used as off-the-road-tire tread rubber
聚酯短纤维用量对工程胎 胎 面用天然 橡胶性能的影响
胎面采用三方四块结构;振动压路机 橡胶块减振器的实验研究
The integral rubber SIBR a kind of new tread rubber with great potentials for market is described ; its markets at home and abroad are analyzed and predicted and the production technology status and development are introduced .
集成橡胶SIBR是一种极具市场潜力的 胎 面 胶,本文对其国内外市场进行了分析及预测,并介绍了其国内外生产技术现状及技术进展。
Reinforcing tread with nylon short fiber grafted rubber composites
尼龙短纤维接枝 橡胶复合材料增强 胎 面 胶
Development of homogenizing - dispersing agent used in NR / BR / SBR tread rubber
NR/BR/SBR共混 胎 面 胶用均匀分散剂
The tread is made of high modulus rubber stocks enhancing low rolling resistance and good wear durability .
胎 面采用高模量的 橡胶,具有很低的滚动阻力和耐磨性。
The raised areas function somewhat like the tread of car tires or the rubber soles of our running shoes .
突起部分的作用很像汽车轮胎的 胎 纹,或是我们慢跑鞋的 橡胶鞋底。
Typical application : The tire tread of car and truck ; surface layer of conveyor belt ; industrial rubber product .
典型用途:轿车和卡车轮胎 胎 面,运输带表层,工业 橡胶制品。
De-link Reclaiming Process of Waste Vulcanized Tread Rubber
废 胎 面 胶 的 De-link再生工艺研究
Dynamic Mechanical and Friction Property of Tread Rubber
胎 面 胶动态力学及摩擦特性的研究
AN IDEAL TIRE TREAD RUBBER & INTEGRAL RUBBER SIBR ⅱ . The structure and property of integral rubber
理想的 胎 面 材料&集成橡胶SIBR(Ⅱ)集成橡胶的结构及性能
It was reported that 50 % of rolling resistance is caused by hysteresis loss of the tread rubber .
据文献报道, 轮胎的滚动阻力有近50%来自 胎 面 胶的滞后损失。
We are specializes in manufacturing precured tread rubber tires works in the rubber pad ;
我公司专业生产预硫化工程胎 胎 面 胶、中垫胶;
The influence of structure property of carbon black on λ of tread rubber was bigger than that of carbon black particle size .
炭黑的结构性对 胎 面 胶λ的影响程度大于炭黑的粒径;
Application of New Material NW SiO_2 in the Tread Rubber and Simulation of Affection of Belt Structure on the Performance of Radial Tire
新材料NWSiO2在 胎 面 胶中应用及新结构带束层对轮胎性能影响仿真的研究
Xinkeyi specializes in production of precured tread rubber tire patch grinding equipment etc of retread with accessories .
工厂专注生产预硫化 胎 面 胶、补片、硫化罐密封胶条、磨片磨具等翻胎用配件。
The properties of nine grades of S-SBR with styrene content 25 % ( mass ) and vinyl content 16 % - 57 % were analyzed for the sake of tread rubber of tire .
以做轮胎 胎 面 胶为目的,对苯乙烯含量25%(质量)的9种不同乙烯基含量(16%&57%)的国产S-SBR的性能进行了剖析。
美[trɛd ˈrʌbɚ]英[tred ˈrʌbə]