Although he says a World Health Organization treaty already contains a provision requiring countries to pursue protection for non-smokers from secondhand smoke .
当然,他也指出,国际卫生组织 WHO早已 制订出了相关条款,要求各国 保护非吸烟者免受二手烟危害。
World leaders are expected to sign a treaty pledging to increase environmental protection
世界各国首脑预计会签署一份承诺加强环境 保护 的 协定。
At last our country citizen ' freedom of migration should be confirmed by constitutional judicial application and international treaty protection .
最后通过国际 条约 的 保护使我国公民迁徙自由得以实现。
Diplomatic Conference for the Conclusion of a Treaty on the Protection of Intellectual Property in Respect of Integrated Circuits
关于缔结一项 保护集成电路知识产权的 条约问题外交会议
The Convention Concerning the Protection of the World Cultural and Natural Heritage ( the Convention ) which was passed by UNESCO in 1972 is the core treaty in international protection of world heritage .
联合国教科文组织在1972年通过的《保护世界文化与自然遗产公约》(简称《世界遗产公约》)是当今世界遗产国际 保护的核心 条约。
Problems remained regarding the scope of the treaty the permitted limitations and exceptions and the protection against circumvention of technological protection measures .
在 条约的范围、允许的限制和例外以及 制止规避技术保护措施方面,仍存在问题。
Combining some regulations of international treaty such as Berne Convention for the protection of literary and artistic works and trips agreement and compared with the old copyright law author comments and analyzes the new copyright law from seven aspects .
作者结合《 伯尔尼公约》、trips协议等国际 条约的有关规定,并与原著作权法相比,对其从七个方面进行了评论和分析。
Because of the introduction of TRIPS and the International Environmental Treaty plant variety protection has become one of international obligations that India has to undertake .
由于《与贸易有关的知识产权协议》和国际环境 条约的适用,植物品种 保护是印度承担的国际义务之一,也是其生物资源可持续利用的需要。
In addition it was anticipated that the treaty would boost international trade harmonize and enhance trademark protection and maintenance procedures in the African region .
而且,预计该 条约将在非洲地区促进国际贸易、协调并加强商标 保护和维持程序。
The three most important forces to influence the political future of the Antarctic are the Antarctic Treaty system the United Nations and non-governmental organizations the three place the Antarctic environmental protection in a prominent position .
南极 条约体系、联合国及非政府组织是影响南极政治前景的三种最重要的力量,在南极非生物资源开发问题上,三者都将南极环境 保护置于了突出地位。
The Antarctic environmental issue has become one of the most important topics of Antarctic politics . The most of the legal documents of the Antarctic Treaty System are about the Antarctic environment and the Antarctic ecological balance . However Antarctic Environmental Protection still faces the growing challenges .
南极 条约体系中的大部分法律文件都是关于南极环境保护和维持南极生态平衡的,尽管如此,南极环境 保护仍然面临着日益严峻的挑战。
The international community and particularly the Antarctic treaty consultation countries have realized the importance of protecting the Antarctic environment and realize that the Antarctic environment protection and ecosystem is an important premise and basis to use of the Antarctic peacefully .
国际社会,尤其是南极 条约协商国逐步认识到保护南极环境保护的重要性,认识到 保护南极环境及其生态系统是人类和平利用南极的一个重要的前提和基础。
It was development-oriented to a great extent in particular the sections that took the shape of an international treaty that would be providing protection for cultural expressions and traditional knowledge .
它在很大程度上是面向发展的,特别是那些采取国际 条约形式的部分将提供文化表现形式和传统知识的 保护。
The International Treaty System of Protection of Cultural Property during Armed Conflict
论武装冲突中文化财产 保护的国际 条约体系
According to Treaty of International Grains and Agricultural Plant Heredity Resources this thesis discusses the law which offers the protection to traditional knowledge in China 's agriculture by analyzing the establishment of its organizations the functions and the relevant national policies .
文章从《国际粮食和农业植物遗传资源 条约 》的要求出发,比照我国实际情况,从组织及机构设立、功能和国家政策等宏观方面,探讨我国对农业传统知识 保护应有的法律模式。
The International Plant Protection Convention ( IPPC ) is a multilateral treaty for plant protection and quarantine .
国际植物保护公约(IPPC)是一个植物 保护和植物检疫的多边 公约。
To protect the Marine environment of the international treaty to form the system established a set of protection of the Marine environment of the international legal system .
保护海洋环境的国际 条约形成了体系,确立了一套 保护海洋环境的国际法律制度。
With the international treaty which protect the business secret information appeared the protection system have becoming the diverse law system .
但是,商业 秘密 权利 的 保护 和 行使还需受到反垄断法的制约。
Its attempts to revise the multilateral system of protection after 1958 include the preparation in 1974 and 1975 of a New Treaty on the protection of geographical indications .
其在1974年和1975年为缔结 保护地理标志的新 条约进行了准备,试图对1958年之后的多边保护制度进行修正。
An appraisal of 1868 Sino-American Anson Burlingame Treaty & From the perspective of Chinese workers going abroad and the protection of Overseas Chinese
评1868年中美 《蒲安臣 条约 》&以华工出国及华侨 保护问题为视角
NAFTA treaty makes a positive contribution in the international investment treaties to take care of the environment of the host states it considers environmental protection stipulates that all parties should not attract and encourage foreign investment through relaxing domestic healthy safety and environmental standards .
NAFTA 条约在关注投资中的环境问题方面做出了积极贡献,其在国际投资条约中兼顾环境 利益,规定所有的缔约方都不应该通过放宽国内的健康、安全和环境标准来吸引和鼓励外资。
A1934 treaty granted more extensive British protection .
1934年 条约授予了英国更广泛的 保护权。
This treaty was the first multilateral agreement to provide protection for geographical indications although it was rather general and weak when compared to the protections afforded by the TRIPS Agreement .
尽管与TRIPS协议提供的保护相比,该 公约 的 规定还较原则和保护力度还较弱,但是, 《 巴黎 公约 》是第一个为地理标志提供 保护的多边公约。
美[ˈtriti prəˈtɛkʃən]英[ˈtri:ti prəˈtekʃən]