You can build an XML query visually by selecting sample resultant nodes from a tree representation of a schema or XML document and dragging the nodes onto a return grid .
您可以通过从一个 模式或XML文档的 树 型表示中选择示例结果节点,并将这些节点拖放到一个返回网格中,从而可视化地构造一个XML查询。
If a new option called Build tree using XML Schema data types is selected then the tree will be built with appropriate data types .
如果选择了名为Build treeusingXML Schemadatatypes的新选项,则会构建具有适当数据类型的树。
The schema filter applies to all the folders in the tree and hence only objects belonging to this schema would be displayed in the tree .
模式过滤器被应用到 树中的所有文件夹,因此只有属于这个 模式的对象才会被显示在树中。
Furthermore our approach searches key words of queries in the DOM tree of a result page and identifies schema attributes based on the characters that records are continuously appeared in result pages .
通过在结果页面的DOM 树中匹配查询关键字,并利用查询结果记录在页面中连续出现的特征识别 模式属性。
The paper has proposed an approach of task-oriented schema matching which carries on research from constructing schema tree choosing information source matching schema and describing the results realizing the high-efficient operation of schema matching .
本文提出了一种面向任务的模式匹配方法,从模式 树构建、信息源选择、 模式匹配和结果描述四个环节进行了研究,实现了高效的模式匹配操作;
This paper refers to the indexing technologies of B ~ + - tree in DBMS and combine it with the sparse numbering schema and proposes a new indexed structure & B ~ + - tree structural index .
本文将关系数据库中B+ 树索引技术与SparseNumbering Schema相结合,提出了一种新的XML文件索引结构&B~+树结构索引,它对XML查询中连接操作和元素定位操作的优化有着重要作用。
For example : the path expression template-match method the structural joins based on B + tree method the suffix tree index method recoding path expression into a special index method and utilizing XML schema to optimize path expression method etc.
例如:路径表达式模板匹配方法、基于B+树的结构联合方法、基于后缀 树的索引方法、路径表达式重写索引查询方法、利用XML 模板优化查询路径的方法等。
To solve the problem the concepts and formal definitions including direct classification schema tree classification schema classification rule and family constraining expression were presented .
为了解决这个问题,给出了直接分类模式、 树分类 模式、分类法则和科目约束表达式等概念和形式化定义。
To the form language the thesis use regular tree grammar to describe form grammar and analyze validation algorithm others use XML Schema to define form grammar of xml format .
对表单语言采用正则 树描述表单语法和分析验证算法,另外采用XML SCHEMA定义表单的XML格式。
Firstly XML document is represented as a directional labeled unordered tree the schema is a frequent sub-tree extracted from the tree which represents XML document .
该方法使用了有向标记无序 树来表示XML文档,从中抽取出频繁子树作为 模式,并用树型 模式来描述它。
In order to get the more efficiency relation table the DOM tree of XML Schema is trimed for getting orderliness XML Schema .
对XML 模式的DOM 树进行修剪,使XML模式整洁,从而使映射得到的关系的更合理;
Expand the tree and browse to the FLIGHTS table under the Tables folder for the APP schema .
展开 树,浏览至APP 模式的Tables文件夹下的FLIGHTS表。
Tree construction module parses the job by DOM to get data sources schema .
树结构创建模块使用DOM解析XML形式的Job来获取数据源 模式。
In this paper we propose a new index B + - tree structural index by improving traditional numbering schema and combining with B + - tree .
该文通过对传统的 NumberingSchema进行改进,并结合B+树提出了一种新的索引&B+ 树结构索引。
RNGzip uses a Relax NG schema validator to build a deterministic tree automaton from the specified schema .
RNGzip使用RelaxNG模式验证程序从指定的 模式构建确定性 树自动机。
We also make use of the tree mining algorithm to mine the query log in order to obtain the user preference which is applied to improve the schema based approach .
我们还使用 树数据挖掘算法来对用户的查询日志进行挖掘来获取用户偏好,并通过它来改进基于 模式 图的关键字查询方法。
Schema Semantic Based Nonexpansive Pattern Tree Simplification
基于 模式语义的非膨胀性Pattern Tree简化
In contrast XQuery forces any application to formulate its query based on the tree structure of the underlying XML schema .
相反,XQuery会强制任何应用程序基于基础XML 模式 的 树结构确定其查询 模式。
Considering the hierarchy and structure property of component description data and the characteristic of XML language we make certain XML as description language of our classification scheme and provide XML schemas as component facet tree XML schema term space XML schema and thesaurus XML schema .
文章针对本方案的构件描述数据具有的层次性和结构性,结合XML语言的特点,确定以XML作为方案的描述语言,并且给出构件刻面 树的XML SCHEMA和术语空间、辞典的XMLSCHEMA。
美[tri ˈskimə]英[tri: ˈski:mə]