Trembling Pulse Then a new pulse kernel is constructed and its property is analyzed .
以 脉冲函数为基础,构造了脉冲核并对其参数性质作了简要探讨。
A new type of pulse which the suggested name was Trembling Pulse ( TP ) was found by the author .
作者发现一种新的 脉象,即诊脉时指下有 震颤 感,这是一种 独立脉象,建议命名为 震颤 脉。
A Method Solving the Trembling in the Pulse Using the Timer Interrupting
用定时器中断处理按键输入 脉冲 的 去 抖动问题
Trembling Pulse Probability statistic expressions of pulse wind velocity and pressure are investigated .
研究了脉动风速和 脉动 风压的概率统计表达方法,给出了有关公式。
美[ˈtrɛmbl:ɪŋ pʌls]英[ˈtremblɪŋ pʌls]
[医] 颤脉,奔逸脉