


  • This constitution has been destroyed and these men should be put on trial for treason .

    宪法被毁了,应当以 叛国 审判这些人。

  • In fact my treason was just his treason .

    事实上,我的 背叛,恰恰是他的背叛。

  • Deliberately broadcasting enemy propaganda to our troops is treason .

    故意向我军广播敌人的宣传是 叛国 行为

  • The new law will put official corruption on the same legal footing as treason .

    新法律将规定对公职腐败适用与 叛国 相同的 量刑 标准

  • Hitler prompted by Bormann dictated a telegram informing Goering that he had committed high treason .

    希特勒在鲍曼的怂恿下口授了一份电报,通知戈林,说他犯了 叛国

  • You 'll go to prison for treason and murder .

    你就会 叛国和谋杀而入狱。

  • She was guilty of every treason laid against her and he was short a sword hand .

    她确实犯下了他们指控的每一项 叛国 ,而他少了握剑的那只手。

  • Thirteen people have been charged with treason — an offence which can carry the death penalty

    13人被控犯有 叛国 ——一种可处死刑的罪行。

  • You know treason is a capital offence .

    你知道 背叛是一种严重的罪行。

  • The different translated terms reveal different translating strategies that the translators apply in the creative treason .

    不速之客 和“过客 不同的译名体现了译者在创造性 叛逆中不同的翻译选择。

  • He was sentenced to life imprisonment for high treason and espionage .

    他因 叛国 和间谍罪被判无期徒刑。

  • Under the proposals those found guilty of treason secession subversion or sedition could face life imprisonment .

    在建议下,被判 叛国、分裂国家、颠覆、煽动叛乱等罪者,可面临终身监禁。

  • You 'll be charged with murder and treason .

    你会得到谋杀和 叛国 罪名

  • You 're being investigated for treason .

    现在对你进行 叛国 调查。

  • It 's bad judgment but it 's not treason . I think treason is too strong a word .

    这是一次判断失误,但不是 叛国。我认为说叛国太过了。

  • And let me remind you : Going against the Constitution is treason .

    我来提醒你们一下:和宪法背道而驰是 叛国

  • You 're under arrest for high treason to the crown .

    你因为 叛国 被逮捕了。

  • They charged treason against him .

    他们控告他 叛国

  • Hard for anyone to accuse you of treason again .

    很难有人再指控你 叛国了。

  • They were shot yesterday after being convicted of mutiny and high treason .

    在被宣判犯有叛乱罪和 叛国 后,他们昨天被枪决了。

  • He 's been indicted on six counts of high treason .

    他以六项 叛国 被起诉。

  • Treason in this country is still punishable by death

    在这个国家, 叛国仍然是可判死罪的

  • In this moment so that treason seven unruly children understand the love .

    也在这一刻让这七个 叛逆不羁的孩子懂得了爱。

  • This article analyzes creative treason by mediators-translators in literary translation and discusses its concrete forms .

    本文简要分析了文学翻译中媒介者(即译者)的创造性 叛逆,并对它的具体表现形式进行了论述。

  • Lin Shu and Pound are prominent representatives of the phenomenon of creative treason .

    林纾和庞德是创造性 叛逆现象的突出代表。

  • The young man was accused of treason .

    这年轻人因为 叛国 指控。

  • The man committed the crime of treason .

    这个人犯了 罪。

  • The punishment for treason be death .

    叛国 的处罚是处死。

  • And I 'll have you tried for treason and executed .

    我会让你尝试 叛国和处决。

  • It is treason to the king !

    那是对国王的 背叛