Aiming at the postorder-traversal of a binary tree 's time complexity in single process being O ( n ) an algorithm under EREW PRAM is presented . The algorithm makes the edge of the traversal into a singly linked list .
针对单处理器后序遍历二叉树的时间复杂度为O(n)问题,提出了在 EREWPRAM并行计算模型下一种后序 遍历二叉 树的算法。
Once the DOM Traversal and Range APIs are widely implemented these can be used to modify the DOM tree without necessarily building a list first .
一旦DOM TraversalandRangeAPI被广泛实现,您无需首先构建 列表,就可以用它们修改DOM树。
In the process of modeling getting two-way linked list to store control point data of the tree model . Then using the depth-first traversal method to traverse the two-way linked list .
在建模过程中,利用双向 链表来存储树模型的控制点数据,然后采用数据结构中深度优先 遍历方法,遍历出树模型 中每段树枝。
This structure is referenced during insertion removal and traversal of the list .
在 链表的插入,移除, 遍历操作中,这个结构体要被引用到。
Traversal string : The ' : ' delimiter is only valid as a parameter-name specifier in a parameter list .
遍历字符串:分隔符:仅在作为参数 列表中参数名的指定符时才有效。
[计] 遍历表