The film is spoilt by a slightly treacly sentimentality .
这部电影 让稍微 过分 甜蜜的情感给毁了。
As I read each card he nodded as if the treacly sentiments of Hallmark had been written just for him .
每当我读一张卡片时,他都 会点头,好像这些标志 着 甜蜜情感的 话语只是为他一 个人写的。
For a city dweller used to a constant fog of light it can be a rare treat to sleep in undisturbed treacly darkness .
城市里 到处 都是霓虹灯,所以对于城市居民要 想睡在 完全黑暗的 环境 中 可是 很不 容易。