Tread pattern noise simulation and optimization system software design
轮胎 花纹噪声仿真与优化系统软件 设计
The various tread patterns with low noise are designed based on the above said principle the noises of these tread patterns are simulated by the computer and the various designs are compared and optimized according to the assessment criteria of low noise to obtain the optimum design .
依据以上原则进行低噪声轮胎 花纹设计,并进行微机仿真噪声模拟,再根据低噪声评价准则对花纹方案进行对比和择优,最后确定最佳 设计 方案。
Taking parallelogram shaped tread element as an example the effect of tread element design on tyre viscous hydroplaning performance was analyzed . The results obtained provide a theoretical basis for anti slip design of the tread element .
以平行四边形胎面单元为例,分析了 胎 面单元 设计对轮胎粘性滑水性能的影响,为轮胎胎面单元抗湿滑设计提供了理论依据。
The application of silica175GR in the tread of truck tire was investigated by regression design method .
研究白炭黑 175GR在载重轮胎 胎 面 胶中的应用。
The procedure for optimizing the tread pattern pitch arrangement in tire design based on the genetic algorithm is described .
介绍了遗传算法在轮胎 花纹节距排列 低 噪优化 设计中应用的方法与步骤。
Based on the sound emission mechanism in different tread grooves a mathematic model was established to simulate the sound generation and modify the tread patterns ' design .
通过对不同花纹沟轮胎发声机理的研究,建立预测数学模型,模拟计算具体的发声情况,提高 轮胎 花纹 的 设计水平。
Study on tread compound formula design of green tire with orthogonal rotating design method
用正交旋转设计法探讨绿色轮胎 胎 面胶配方 设计
Reverse Engineering in Tread Pattern and Study on Digitizing Design
轮胎 花纹反求与数字化 设计研究
The paper introduces the digital control system of engineering tire tread winding based on PLC analyzes the compose of the system of tire tread winding machine and the control principle expounds the hardware and software design of the system .
本文介绍了自行 设计 开发的基于PLC的工程胎胎面缠绕机数控系统,在对 胎 面缠绕机系统的组成及控制原理进行分析的基础上,详细阐述了该系统的硬件及软件 设计。
Tread pattern design system based on object oriented
基于面向对象的 胎 面花纹 设计系统
In comparison to the experimental results it is found that the present method which has good agreement with the test results not only can well reflect the tread action but also provide a handy and feasible method for stairs design .
对比试验结果表明,本文建议的 设计方法不仅能更好地反映楼梯 踏步的作用,计算结果更符合梯段的实测 变形,而且方法简便,可为实际 工程 设计提供参考。
At the turn of the 20th century haute couture was the main tread of fashion in the society while ready-to-wear industry hadn 't been formed . History proves that the design and style of haute couture have significant effect on subsequent ready-to-wear .
在成衣业尚未形成的年代里,高级时装(Haute Couture)是社会的时尚文化的主流,历史也证明,高级时装的 设计与风格对后来的成衣具有不可磨灭的深刻影响。
For the modification of control system of former tread production line two solutions of design worked out finally selected programming controller to control switch quantity controls the ana - log quantity with synchronized controller .
对旧的 胎 面 联动生产线控制系统进行改造, 设计了2种方案,最后选用可编程控制器控制开关量,用同步控制器控制模拟量。
The interactional mechanism between tread pattern and road surface is especially complex and many problems are still unknowable to this day that the design of tread pattern still lacks effective academic guidance .
胎 面 花纹与路面相互作用的机理极为复杂,许多问题至今尚不完全清楚,胎面花纹的 设计目前仍然缺乏有效的理论指导。
This paper mainly introduces the method for calculating the force at contact points the contact stress and the creep rate describes the advantages of concave circle tread puts forward the design principles in using concave circle tread for a crane .
文章重点介绍了轮缘接触点上作用力、接触应力和蠕滑率的计算方法,阐述了圆弧凹形 踏面的优点。最后提出了起重机采用圆弧凹形踏面车轮的 设计原则。
Modern tires have been developed with tread patterns design for draining .
新式轮胎的 胎 面带有排水的 花纹。
Taking the characteristics of tire mould manufacturing into account an intersection projecting method is adopted and the tread intersection projecting tool is developed which is special for the electrode design in tire mould manufacturing .
结合轮胎模具型腔的加工特点,采取 花纹拆分设计的方法,开发了面向电极 设计 的 花纹拆分投影工具。
The Application of Centralized Composite Rotational Design in Tread Design of Car Radial Tyre With NR / PBR
中心复合旋转设计法在NR/1乘用子午 胎 胎 面 胶 配方 设计中的应用
According to sensitivity analysis the selection of the toe angle camber angle and tread and wheelbase four parameters as design objectives select a greater impact on the design goals of bushing stiffness optimization .
根据灵敏度分析结果,选择对前束角、外倾角以及 轮距和轴距四个参数为 设计目标,选取对设计目标影响较大的衬套刚度进行优化。
The following parameters are taken : tread patterns ' depth 15 mm ; tread design three-formula-four pieces ;
胎面 花纹深度取15mm, 胎 面采用三方四块;
Tire tread pattern is an important tire design parameter which has a direct impact on driving performance and tires ' life .
胎 面 花纹是轮胎的重要参数之一,它对轮胎的行驶性能和使用寿命有着直接的影响。
美[trɛd dɪˈzaɪn]英[tred diˈzain]