trapping state

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[化] 陷阱状态,俘获状态

  • Self trapping exciton state is obtained for an open chain of a PNB polymer with finite length in the framework of the Baranowski B ü tterner Voit model .

    BaranowskiB櫣 tternerVoit模型的框架内,得到了PNB聚合物有限长开链的自隐激子

  • A two stage belief-propagation ( TSBP ) decoding algorithm was developed based on trapping set state ( TSS ) detection to reduce the error floor of low-density parity-check ( LDPC ) codes .

    为了降低低密度奇偶检验码的误码平底,提出一种基于 陷阱状态检测的两级置信度传播译码算法。

  • Population Trapping State Used for Population Transfer with High Efficiency

    利用 囚禁 实现高效率布居转移

  • The factors affecting on the positron trapping state lifetime in very active β - C_2S were analysed . According to the positron trapping theory the structure characteristics of very active β - C_2S is discussed based on the lifetime spectrum parameters obtained from experiments .

    分析了高活性β-C2S中对正电子 捕获 寿命产生影响的主要因素,并按照正电子捕获理论,从实验所得寿命谱参数对高活性β-C2S的结构缺陷特征进行了讨论。

  • The experiment result shows that the holes generated by avalanche can be injected into gate oxide of a NMOSFET biased into snapback and then both hole trapping and interface state generation can be found .

    实验结果发现突发击穿( snapback),偏置下雪崩热空穴注入NMOSFET栅氧化层,产生界面 ,同时空穴会陷落在氧化层中。

  • We find that when neglecting the interparticle interactions the adiabatic fidelity for the coherent population trapping ( CPT ) state or dark state as the function of the adiabatic parameter approaches to unit in a power law .

    研究发现,当不考虑粒子间的非线性碰撞时,该系统的相干布居 俘获 -暗态的绝热保真度作为绝热参量的函数以幂律关系趋于1。

  • The density of oxide fixed charge N_f and the density of trapping states N (?) at the interface between the A laser-recrystallized polycrystalline silicon layer and the underlying oxide layer have been studied by high frequency and quasi-static state C-V technigues .

    我们用常规的高频和准 静态C-V技术测量了氩离子激光再结晶多晶硅/二氧化硅界面的氧化物固定电荷密度Nf和界面态 陷阱密度N(it)。