writ of review

[rɪt ʌv rɪˈvju][rɪt ɔv riˈvju:]

[法] 审查令,复审令

  • Lewis'attorney James E.Rocap III filed a Petition for Writ of Certiorari and Application for Stay with the United States Supreme Court but the Court declined to review the case .

    刘易斯的律师罗卡普已向最高法院提出 调卷令请求和中止执行申请书,但最高法院拒绝 复审此案。

  • As an ancient privilege writ in the common law the Writ of Habeas Corpus is a kind of order issued by the court requiring the detainee submitted to the court to review the legality of the custody .

    人身保护令(The Writ ofHabeasCorpus)作为普通法古老的特权令状,是由法院向羁押者签发一份命令,要求羁押者将被羁押者提交法院以 审查羁押的合法性。

  • The Supreme Court by means of a writ of certiorari may call up a case from a district court for review .

    最高法院通过一项移审 的手段,可调用从区法院 审查案件。