written constitution

[ˈrɪtn ˌkɑnstɪˈtuʃən][ˈrɪtn ˌkɔnstiˈtju:ʃən]

[法] 成文宪法

  • Strictly between us ? Guarantee to protect foreign investment have been written into our constitution .

    保护外资的保证已 进了我国 宪法

  • On Re-consummation of Legal System of Protecting Private Proprietary Rights after being written in Constitution

    论入宪后私有财产权法律保护制度的再完善&对2004年 修改后的 宪法第13条的再思考

  • Each government is based on a written constitution which cannot contradict the federal constitution .

    每个政府是建立在不与联邦宪法冲突的 成文 宪法之上的。

  • This power is now written into our programme ; it will also be written into our constitution .

    这个权力,现在写在我们的纲领上,将来还要 在我们的 宪法上。

  • The US Constitution which was drafted in1787 and adopted in1788 is the oldest written constitution still in effect .

    1787年起草,1788年通过的美国宪法是最早的迄今仍有效的 成文 宪法

  • The fourth part explores the law guarantee of the citizen 's environmental rights after it had been written in constitution .

    第四部分讨论公民环境权 后的法律保障问题。

  • The preamble to a constitution is an important component of a written constitution .

    宪法序言是 成文 宪法的重要组成部分。

  • This paper try to describe from the angle about if there exist the suggestion procedures before the program make the written constitution station into two types that is the general pattern and special mode .

    本文试图从提议程序之前是否存在建议程序的角度,把 成文宪法国家分为一般模式和特殊模式两类进行比较研究,以探究其合理性,从而提出完善我国 宪法 创议程序的建议。

  • Did the judges of1954 cross some line of legitimacy into law making stating a conclusion that you will not find written in the Constitution ?

    是1954年的法官们越过了合法性的界线而进入到了创造新法的范围吗?是1954年的法官们宣布了一个你在 宪法 现成条文中找不到的结论吗?

  • A constitutional system of government ( usually with a written constitution ) .

    一个政府的宪法体系(通常有 书面 宪法)。

  • The implied constitutional freedom of movement is inferred from Constitution by constitutional review organ but not provided in written constitution .

    默示的宪法性迁徙自由是由宪法适用机关从 宪法中引申出的默示性 权利

  • It was the first written constitution France had ever had .

    这是法国的第一部 成文 宪法

  • And the most important written constitution should be discussed in two ways which are constitution system and constitution code .

    其中最重要的 文书 宪法也应从宪法体系和宪法典两个方面进行论述。

  • Five private colleges in Jiangxi College Students Associations are generally spontaneous written constitution to the members of the community to manage a small part of an oral or accepted rules .

    一般都有 成文的组织 章程来对社团成员进行管理,小部分有口头或约定俗成的规定。

  • The lack of a written constitution is a peculiarity of the British political system .

    缺乏一部 成文 宪法是英国政治体系的特点。

  • Compared with European countries which choose the written constitution British law did not experience the ups and downs in the constitutional development and constitutional government in Britain also did not encounter similar turbulent .

    较之采 成文 宪制的欧陆国家,英国法没有经历跌宕起伏的宪法演进,英国宪政也没有遭遇相似的动荡不安。

  • A large number of documents the existence of a written constitution for the constitutional structure especially the content structure of the Constitution possible .

    大量 成文 宪法文件的存在,为宪法结构特别是宪法内容结构的研究提供了可能。

  • The problems of the US system are all too apparent when compared with the classic British Westminster system : parliamentary with first-past-the-post voting no federalism or decentralisation and no written constitution or judicial review .

    与经典的英国威斯敏斯特政体相比,美国政治体制的问题尤其明显。英国采用的是简单多数票当选的议会制,没有联邦或分权制度,也没有 成文 宪法或司法复核。

  • Britain has an unwritten constitution and the United States has a written constitution .

    英国有不成文的宪法,美国有 成文 宪法

  • The written constitution of the United States was adopted in1787 .

    美国的 成文 宪法于一七八七年通过。

  • As one of the public goods compulsory education is the way to realize the right in education which is written in constitution implement the tactic of change the Management-oriented government into Service-oriented government and build the rule of law and modern socialist country .

    义务教育作为公益事业,是党和国家具体落实 宪法 规定 公民受教育权利,实现政府由管理型政府向服务型政府转变,构建依法治教的社会主义现代化国家的民生举措。

  • From the approach to the emergence development classification of social rights the author clears that the social rights problem is a constitutional question therefore insurance of vulnerable groups ' social rights needs to be written into Constitution .

    从社会权的产生、发展、分类入手,明确了社会权问题是宪法问题,因此,弱势群体社会权的保障有必要 写入 宪法

  • It was founded by judicial practice instead of being recorded in the written Constitution form which was connected with judicial precedent and judicial practice in the united states .

    它的形成不是 宪法 条文形式规定而是以判例形式确立,与美国的司法判例制度和司法实践密不可分。

  • The clarity of a written constitution may give America an advantage over many European countries where unwritten custom has more sway .

    成文 宪法的明确性或许可以使美国相对于许多欧洲国家具有优势,不成文惯例在后一类国家中更具影响力。

  • We decided long ago to uphold the socialist system and the Four Cardinal Principles and that decision has been written into the Constitution .

    我们坚持社会主义制度,坚持四项基本原则,是老早就确定了的, 宪法上的。

  • The plan means Germany will reach budget balance in 2015 a year earlier than required under the debt-brake written into its constitution .

    该计划意味着德国将于2015年达到预算平衡,比 写入 宪法的债务刹车(debt-brake)要求提早一年。

  • Shall take over his duties as written in our constitution .

    依据 宪法 规定,履行他的职责。

  • Its written constitution was adopted on 8 October 1600 .

    它的 手写 宪法在1600年10月8日被采用。

  • In the Written constitution country Constitutional law is a series of laws enacted in order to ensure the implementation of the Constitution .

    成文 宪法国家,宪法性法律是为保证宪法实施而制定的一系列法律。

  • The American system of government is based on a written constitution which is interpreted by the Supreme Court .

    美国的政体是基于 成文 宪法宪法由最高法院作出解释。