

[法] 恶事,恶行,犯罪

  • Mr Grasso has denied any wrong-doing and could sue the exchange for more money that he could be owed according to the approved contracts .

    格拉索先生否认有任何 错处,而且有可能起诉纽约证交所,称根据经董事会批准的合同,证交所或许还欠他报酬。

  • These are to give up entirely the five unwholesome actions : destroying life taking what is not given sexual wrong-doing speaking falsely and drunkenness .

    这就是需要完全杜绝的五种恶行:杀生,偷盗, 纵欲,说谎,酗酒。

  • But the Liverpool boss has denied any wrong-doing and insists he has not been involved in negotiations for the Sunderland striker .

    但是利物浦主教练否认任何 暗箱 操作,他强调他 根本就没有与桑德兰前锋谈判过。

  • He called suggestions of wrong-doing absurd saying Lone Star paid a 55 per cent premium for its stake in KEB and had followed the letter of the law in every one of its 50 transactions in South Korea .

    认为 有关 不当 行为 说法 非常荒谬。他表示,孤星为韩国外换银行的股份支付了55%的溢价,而公司在韩国的50笔交易中,每笔都严守法律规定。

  • Schoolboys think it bad form to tell a teacher of another boys wrong-doing .

    学生认为向老师 报告别的学生的 过失是不好的 举动

  • Grand juries have enormous powers to investigate wrong-doing by public officials as well as private citizens .

    大陪审团拥有极大权力调查政府官员及平民的 过失

  • No matter how much he hurt his parents with his previous wrong-doing he would soon turn around and do something else wrong & knowing he would be forgiven .

    不论先前所 如何伤他父母的 ,他 很快地 忘记,且再犯另一个错, 他知道父母会原谅他。

  • In many cases a spontaneous re-canalisation results in renewed fertility without any wrong-doing by the surgeon .

    在许多案件中,由医生实施的一项自动静脉手术可以使得繁殖力恢复,但又没有任何 损害

  • Had he been possessed by a devil or evil spirit ? Was God punishing him for wrong-doing ?

    人们 完全 知道这个疯子 怎么了,是魔鬼附体呢,还是 受到上帝的惩罚呢?

  • All those involved have denied any wrong-doing .

    所有涉案者均否认自己存在任何 不当 行为