write key

[raɪt ki][rait ki:]


  • Finally this data is written to the Context object ( whose write method is parameterized based on the types of the ( key value ) pair that are produced by map ) .

    最后,这个数据被写到Context对象(它的 write方法基于映射生成的( key,value)对的类型进行参数化)。

  • To write out changes to a key .

    写出的更改不必 调用

  • Finally verifying the feasibility of the system by MATLAB . Then in order to implement the system on FPGA write VHDL code of key modules .

    最后经MATLAB验证系统可行性后,为了在FPGA上实现本系统, 编写核心模块的VHDL代码。

  • A better way is to write the main ideas and some of the key words and phrases and then improvise .

    好的方法是把主要观点和一些 要点词和短语 下来,然后即兴发挥。

  • Instead write a hard-hitting summary with bullets that highlight key attributes wins skills certifications and metrics .

    相反,个人总结 有说服力,要突出自己的 关键特质、所获奖项、技能、 资质和指标。

  • How to Write the Abstract and Key Words of Science and Technology Paper

    怎样 写好科技论文摘要及 关键词

  • Write down eight key words that you expect to find in the reading passage below .

    下在下文中预计会出现的8个 关键词

  • Given a list of titles and a list of words to ignore you are to write a program that generates a KWIC ( Key Word In Context ) index of the titles .

    给定一组称呼和一组“忽略单词”,你要 一个程序为该列表生成 KWIC索引。

  • The next few lines simply write out key debugging information for troubleshooting problems .

    接下来的几行 写出了问题诊断的 关键调试信息。

  • The whole class practice to read and write the key sentences .

    通过练习检查 学生重点句型的掌握程度。

  • Did I write in the beginning that a key reason of going to Hawaii is to collect plumeria cuttings ?

    我在一开始就说我到 夏威夷的一个 主要原因,是要搜集鸡蛋花枝干了吗?

  • This month you may sell a book idea write a key magazine article start a radio show tape a TV pilot sell a screenplay and start a blog-you decide !

    这个月,你可能卖出许多好点子, 撰写一篇文章在 重要的杂志上,来一场广播秀,录个电视节目,卖出一个电影剧本,或者开设一个博客&由你来决定!

  • On the base of the discussion of the implementation principle of the server such as real time database GUI OPC objects and I / O read and write and so on the key technologies such as processing write commands and synchronizing multi-threads are probed .

    在讨论了应用程序的实时数据库、图形用户接口、OPC对象、I/O读 等实现原理的基础上,研究了该OPCServer的写命令处理和多线程同步等 关键技术。

  • The server does the same type of thing on its side using the server_write_key .

    服务端做的事情是一样的,不过它使用“ server write key 这个 密钥

  • To write or perform music in a different key .

    变调用一种不同的调性 或演奏。

  • Read the text find and write the key sentences .

    读课文, 本课的 核心句型。

  • The part of the program status double word that contains the write key .

    程序状态(双)字中包含有 关键字的那一部分。

  • Write up to five key words on other cards ;

    其他卡片上最多只能 五个 关键词

  • Then the write also puts forward the key researching points the realization of asset of hydropower .

    以此为基础提出了本 论文研究的重点:水能资产价值实现的问题。

  • The row keys in a table are arbitrary strings where every read or write of data under a single row key is atomic .

    表中的行键可以是任意字符串,其中单一行 下数据的每个读操作或 操作都是原子的。

  • Write an index_function that will generate a key that can be used for sorting each element of the unsorted list .

    编写一个indexfunction生成一个 ,该键用于对未排序列表的元素进行排序。

  • Ability to create per-process rules to control the following registry operation : Open Create Rename Delete Read Write registry key or value .

    具有创建per-process(每一进程)规则的能力,对以下的注册表操作进行控制:打开、创建、重命名、删除、读、 注册 或者值。